Side Story (Princess Luna part 2)

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*Luna POV*

Startled from my slumber, I blinked rapidly to adjust my vision, only to be met with the sight of Mia's frantic face hovering above me. She shook me with urgency, her hands grasping my shoulders tightly, as if desperately trying to rouse me from a deep slumber.

My mind, still clouded by the remnants of sleep, struggled to comprehend her words. "Luna, wake up already!" Her voice pierced through the fog of drowsiness, injecting a sense of urgency into my groggy consciousness.

Confusion and panic mingled within me as her words sank in. "Huh? I'm up! I'm up! Don't tell me we're late!?" I replied, my voice laced with a hint of alarm. The weight of responsibility and the fear of missing the crowning ceremony tugged at my consciousness.

But Mia's next words shattered my preconceived notion. "No! We're being attacked! I have to get you to safety!" Her voice trembled with a mixture of determination and fear, fueling my own apprehension.

A surge of adrenaline shot through my veins, banishing the remnants of sleep and replacing it with a heightened sense of awareness. The gravity of the situation weighed upon me, pushing aside any lingering traces of drowsiness. Thoughts raced through my mind as I grappled to understand the sudden shift in circumstances.

Mia's perspiring brow and labored breath caught my attention next, breaking through the fog of confusion. It was then that the gravity of the situation fully hit me, dispelling any remnants of drowsiness. Something terrible had unfolded, and the urgency in Mia's demeanor painted a vivid picture of the danger that loomed outside the confines of my room.

"Where's mom and dad-" Fear gripped my heart as I attempted to voice my concerns, but my words were abruptly silenced by the cacophony that erupted beyond the sanctuary of my chambers. Piercing screams pierced the air, blending with the distinct sound of clashing swords, a symphony of chaos that sent shivers down my spine.

A sense of gravity hung in the air, enveloping the room in an eerie silence. Fear and determination mingled within me, my body trembling with a mix of apprehension and readiness. The weight of my training pressed upon me, the countless hours spent honing my magical abilities, preparing me for moments like this. My hand instinctively rose, fingers poised to channel the power within me.

Before I could unleash my magic, the door swung open, revealing a sight that both startled and relieved me. Reid, clad in blood-stained attire, burst into the room, his energy pulsating with a fierce vitality. Though his appearance was marred by the crimson stains, he stood tall and seemingly unharmed, a beacon of strength amidst the chaos.

"Luna! Mia! Are you two okay!?" Reid's voice rang out, laced with genuine concern. His presence brought a surge of reassurance, momentarily dispelling the fear that had gripped my heart.

"R-Reid!? Forgot about me, what about you?! What's going on!?" I screamed, worried about his wellbeing.

"No time to explain! I'm getting you to safety!"

"Wait! Where's mom and dad?"

"Don't worry, we made sure that they're safe. You're the last one! Come now, we don't have time to lose!"

Reid's words pierced through the tension that hung in the air, offering a glimmer of solace in the midst of chaos. His voice carried a mix of urgency and reassurance, a testament to his unwavering determination to safeguard those we held dear.

"Don't worry, we made sure that the King and Queen are safe. You're the last one!" Reid's words resonated, both comforting and perplexing me. My relief at knowing my parents were out of harm's way mingled with a growing sense of confusion. The weight of his statement settled upon me, stirring a whirlwind of questions within my mind. What did he mean by the last one?

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