Side Story (Princess Luna part 3)

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*Luna POV*

As my mother carried me on her back, we descended into the depths of the dark tunnel, accompanied by Reid, who supported my father. The air was heavy with silence, broken only by the echo of our footsteps and the occasional groan escaping my father's lips. The tunnel enveloped us in its darkness, with only a solitary orb of light floating ahead, a creation of my mother's magic, illuminating our path.

The walls of the tunnel, constructed from sturdy gray bricks, surrounded us like a silent sentinel. Their rough texture hinted at the passage of time and the secrets they held. Shadows danced and flickered, casting eerie shapes along the corridor. Despite the darkness, a sense of anticipation filled the air as we ventured deeper into the unknown.

My body gradually regained its strength, although not enough for me to engage in meditation and replenish my depleted mana reserves at an accelerated pace. However, I could sense a growing energy within me, a flicker of hope that soon I would be able to move freely once again and find solace in the tranquility of meditation.

"I'm truly grateful that you're here with us, Reid," my mother expressed, her voice filled with sincere appreciation. I shifted my gaze towards Reid, noticing his somber expression and the weight he seemed to carry upon his shoulders.

"I don't know, Your Highness..." Reid's voice trailed off, his eyes fixed on the ground as if burdened by self-doubt. "I promised to ensure your safety, yet here I am, carrying His Highness on my back with this grievous wound on his shoulder."

Before I could interject with comforting words, my mother spoke, her voice filled with unwavering confidence. "But without your assistance, we would not have made it this far, Reid. Your presence and bravery have been instrumental in our survival."

Reid released a heavy sigh, a mix of resignation and a hint of a smile crossing his face. "Thank you, Your Highness, for putting your faith in me," he expressed, his gratitude shining through his words.

The atmosphere grew tense, and an awkward silence settled over us. Then, unexpectedly, my mother broke the stillness with a question that caught me off guard. "Hey Reid?" she began tentatively.

Reid's voice carried a hint of surprise as he responded, "Yes, Your Highness?"

"Do you... like Luna?" My mother asked, her voice filled with a blend of curiosity and mischief. My heart raced, sensing the direction of my mother's inquiry. I couldn't help but feel a mix of embarrassment and curiosity, wondering why this conversation even started.

Mama, what are you doing!?

My cheeks flushed with a sudden rush of warmth, and I found myself at a loss for words. Thoughts raced through my mind, a jumble of emotions and questions. What was my mother trying to accomplish with this question?

A mix of relief and shyness washed over me as Reid responded with an innocent smile. "Of course, I like Luna," he stated, his words causing my heart to skip a beat. Panic surged through me, and I desperately wished I could retract my mother's question, wanting to disappear in that moment.

WAIT! REID, WHAT ARE YOU SAYING!? I mentally screamed at myself, my face burning with embarrassment. I struggled to find the right words, but all that escaped my mouth were incoherent stammers.

Unaware of the internal turmoil he had caused, Reid continued, oblivious to my inner turmoil. "I was a sole child, but I've been with Luna since childhood, and now I see her as my younger sister, so of course, I like her."

My good mood shattered, replaced with a dissatisfied feeling as I mustered a small, subdued response. "Oh, okay," I mumbled, unable to hide my disappointment.

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