Side Story (Tifa part 1)

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*3rd Person POV*

A few minutes before nightfall when Evan was heading back to the lake where he first woke up, he is not alone.

A little distance away from him, in the dense forest that was completely filled with trees, a womanly figure is sitting on top of a thick tree branch near the top. The woman has not noticed Evan's actions in the forest since she was distracted waiting for someone else.

As she waited, she admired the setting sun which was turning the beautiful golden sky into a dark and broody night. The woman is fiddling around with a silver-coloured short sword, making sure it's well-maintained while constantly stealing glances at the gorgeous sunset.

The woman had black lush straight hair that reached below her shoulder, accessorized with a golden pin on the back of her head which was supporting her long hair. She has a slim body and honey-brown eyes. She is wearing a skin-tight black outfit which favoured mobility that makes her disappear in the darkness of night, almost like she is cosplaying a ninja, but without a mask to hide her beautiful face.

But all of this is not as noticeable as her ears which were longer and pointier than an average human. She is an Elf, and her name is Tifa.

*Tifa POV*

I sighed and stopped playing with the sharp sword in my hands. I was trying to waste time until sunset, but I am no longer in the mood to swing my sword like a child as I sat up.

I could nearly see the whole forest from the top of the tree, but it was starting to get boring and I didn't want to accidentally lose my sword, so I sheathed it back into the scabbard hanging from my belt.

I stared at the setting sun that gives me a warm feeling. The sun rays didn't hurt my eyes and all I can see is an orange ball slowly setting down while painting the sky gold.

I was lost in thought and before I knew it, the sun hid itself behind the large mountains in the distance, turning the golden sky into a dark-bluish one.

As the sky turned dark, the visibility has lowered, and the only things I can see were the trees and numerous stars that started twinkling in the night sky.

Since there was nothing to think about, I was reminded of all my problems and I could not help but sigh unconsciously.

Why did it all become like this? Maybe if I had more mana then things would be different, but I don't. Elves have an abundance of mana since birth which separates them from other races. Because of this, they have heightened ego and hate most of the other races.

Despite being an elf myself, I'm shunned by my own people because of my inherent low mana. It's impossible for elves to have low mana which only means one thing. I'm not an elf, I'm a half-elf. Not only that, but an elf with human blood.

The human race is hated by elves the most due to many conflicts in the past. Because of the elves' long age, they don't let go of their grudge that easily. All of these made me sigh again. I saw a flock of white birds flying into the dark distance and I felt envious of them.

Due to my inability to project a lot of mana, and the fact that everybody somehow hates me, the only occupation I could take was the assassin occupation. An occupation that keeps me away from everyone else and also the most dangerous one since you have to act alone.

I don't mind it all that much since I get to stay away from that hypocritical place. But, it's not a well taken job, because of which I had to teach myself on how an assassin actually works. Unlike what most people think, assassin occupation is half about spying for information and the other half is assassinations or sabotaging, though I'm never trusted with those missions.

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