Class reports!

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*Y/N's POV*

You go through you morning routine and eat bacon, eggs, and toast for breakfast as you get a ride with Shota and Hitoshi as he drops you off at the front of the school to try and go around the reporters blocking the entrance.

Y/N: Think you can brainwash them to get out of our way?

Shinso: Not that many people at once.

Y/N: *sighs as you rub the bridge of your nose as you notice there is no way around it besides doing the walls* How strong is your grip?

Shinso: average human I would say.

Y/N: Good enough for me. *you crouch down* Get on my back and hold on for dear life.

Shinso: Oooookay? *he gets on your back as you run on all fours and use your claws to climb over the wall as your ears pick up the sound of someone scratching their neck and the sounds of reporters exclaiming about you and Shinso as you land on the other side of the wall*

Y/N: Okay you can get off now. *you stand up as Shinso slips off of your back and onto his feet as you both walk to 1-A*

you hear talking about the reporters from the students as you lay your head down at the desk and tune them out with your headphones playing IT is the end by ice nine kills as you hear the door open with Aizawa walking in as everyone shuts up and sits down

Aizawa: Okay class. Today your going to be voting for class represenitives.

everyone starts talking about wanting to be a represenitives as you cover your ears and try to relax but you start getting annoyed as you look at Aizawa to see him already asleep in his sleeping bag.

Y/N: (Lucky asshole can sleep through students argues) Everyone shut the fuck up and hold a vote. It will make this so much easier to deal with. *Everyone looks at you for a moment* What? I'm actually smart enough to come to an idea that everyone in USA use to put people into power in their state. *you sit back down and you start to listen to hip to be scared by ice nine kills*

A/N: yes I like both of these songs. Sue me!

Iida: I guess he could be correct and it will be fair.

Uraraka: But wouldn't people just vote for themselves?

Y/N: Does it matter? I feel like people will vote for whoever they truly believe would be the most responsible and best leader.

Izuku: I. I guess that is true.

Y/N: great now leave me alone so I can listen to my music.

Everyone looks at you and decides to hold a vote as they pass out paper and start holding a vote as you look at the ballet and select Momo to be representative. As the ballets are tallied up Momo and you tie for representatives as everyone looks at you for a solution.

Y/N: why is it that the person who never went to school is the one that's picked for the solution?

Todoroki: Wait you never went to school?

Y/N: listen you pokeball looking dumbass. I don't want to hear about anybody's trauma and I'm not talking about mine. So leave me out of this. *everyone is quiet but you can hear some muffled laughing as you turn to look at Bakugou* What are you laughing at you damn Pomeranian?


Y/N: Oh I'm sorry, have your explosions already made you deaf? I called you a DAMN POMERANIAN, you spiked hair blonde "SHINEEE" yelling dumbass that's clearly gay for Kirishima looking mother fucker!

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