Meet the 1-A class!

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As we look around we find a kid with black hair and hazel eyes walking around looking for 1-A with earbuds in

A/N: yes I am going to use real songs I listen too when I'm bored or just doing regular every day things.

Y/N: *hums along to HOPE by NF as you see the broccoli hair from the entrance exam* Hey Broccoli boy!

???: Huh! Oh hey you're the uh. Wolf boy right?

Y/N: My name is Y/N. What's your name

Midoriya: It's Midoriya Izuku

Y/N: Oh right japan. I'm Aizawa Y/N. It's nice to meet you Midoriya. *looks at the door* Oh 1-A. I have been looking for it for a while. *Opens the door and sees Iida and someone that is acting like a pomerania while looking like one, arguing*

Y/N: Oi Sonic wannabe and pomeranian looking asshole. Shut the fuck up it is way to early to be doing this.


Y/N: *you growl loud enough to shake the room as you walk over* SHUT. THE. FUCK. UP. *you walk to the back of the class and sit down* (I would say stop before aizawa decides to get up and is angry at them but they need to learn that this is no place to waste time and Aizawa is going to teach them that.)

Aizawa (good he listened and didn't mention me) Alright class shut up and sit down. If you're just here to make friends then you can pack up your stuff now. *Everyone scrambles to a seat and shuts up* It took you 18 seconds to shut up and sit down. That's not going to work, time is precious. The only promising student is already quiet and sitting down right now in the back of the class.

You wave a little as you still have your earbuds in and listing to Animal I have become by three days grace

Aizawa: *stands at the front of the class as everyone is sitting and quiet* I'm Shota aizawa and I'm your teacher *he pulls out the gym uniforms* Put these on and meet me outside on the field

*You see a girl with a brown bowl cut and pink cheeks (you think she looks like Kirby) start talking about some school orientation*

Y/N: Oi kirby. This is his class and he runs it how he wants. Best thing to do is be quiet and listen to him *you walk over and grab a medium size gym uniform that fits your height but also fits your thin waist and tightly holds your body as you walk to the changing rooms and soon everybody else follows suit as you fall walk to the field*

Aizawa: Okay the people want to pretend we all are equal by pretending that the kids with the most power pull their true strength with their quirk so everyone is equal. The person with the most points is going to walk to the circle and throw the ball.

You start walking up but see the pomeranian walking to the circle cockily as aizawa throws the ball to you and you walk into the circle

Y/N: Sorry pomerania I got 750 points.

you walk to the circle as everyone has their eyes on you like you just summoned a demon by walking as bakugo tries to explode you out of the way but aizawa erases his quirk and pulls him back into line without anybody really paying attention as thier eyes are still on you

Aizawa: What was your furthest throw without your quirk?

Y/N: 65 meters when I'm holding back on my throw.

Aizawa: I want you to use as much power as you can to throw the ball. Anything is legal so long as you don't leave the circle.

Y/N: Okay? *you tighten your grip on the ball as you make it smaller to the size of a bouncy ball as you use your full strength to throw the ball as far as you can* So how far did it go

Aizawa: 758 meters

Students: So far!

Mina: That looks like fun I want to go next!

Y/N: (should have kept her mouth shut because aizawa is going to-)

Aizawa: So you think this is fun. Alright Who ever gets last place will be expelled

Students: You can't do that. It's not fair!

Y/N: And this is why you don't have any potential. If the first thing you do is start groviling when something isn't fair then none of you will be heroes. Do you think natural disasters are fair? What about power hungry villain attacks? Oh Or catastrophic accidents that wipe out whole cities? The world isn't fair and you have to find your own work around it.

Aizawa: Exactly my point. Now let the games begin.

The first task is a 50 meter dash as you get down on all fours and grin as everyone else is taking a normal running position. Suddenly the gunshot goes off as you already had your ears down you run and cross the line in 1.5 seconds. Next is a strength test and you get 230 kilograms. Mezou Shouji won with 475. Standing long jump you jumped 30 meters and asui wins. You did average with side steps. You ran the longest for the distance run. Reached the heel of your foot with seated toe-touch and did 1000 sit ups.

Students: How the hell does he have so much stamina and flexibility?!

Y/N: My quirk is wolf. Wolves need a lot of stamina and a lot of food. When they go hunting do you think deers just sit there and the wolves get a free meal? No wolves have to be fast and have enough stamina to catch up to the deer and take it down within seconds and kill it.

Once everyone does the ball throw you see izuku step up and you notice his arm glows a bit then it stops as you notice aizawa erased his quirk.

Y/N: Hey Mr.Aizawa, why did you erase his quirk?

Aizawa: He was about to break his bones like he did at the entrance exam.

Y/N: Oh can I try to help him?

Aizawa: Sure I'm too tired to even try.

Y/N: Midoriya I need you to focus on your quirk and run it through your whole body. Don't focus it all in one place. Think about the energy like... Microwaving cold pizza. If you keep it in the center only some of it will be hot while the rest of it will be frozen cold.

Izuku: (so run it through my whole body and think of the egg in the microwave) *suddenly his body glows and you see some green lighting coming off of his body as you hand him the ball* Thank you.

Y/N: *You give him a thumbs up and he throws the ball 150 meters* There you go. Remember that's how you are going to use your quirk from now on.

A/N: Hey the author here. I wanted to pop in to the end of this chapter to say not much is different from the original anime the only difference is I'm not going to be using Mineta in class 1-A. I am changing it to Shinso and he got in by recommendation because his quirk doesn't work on robots or help him in this test really. He did average but he used his quirk to make Momo make him a baseball gun that could launch the ball making it go 600 meters. As I write this it will make sense and no none of the people are perverts. There might be some lemon later in the book. I don't know yet.

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