New place who dis?

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*Y/N's POV*

Y/n: mmm... *wakes up and rubs his eyes free of sleep as he looks around and sees he is in a different house with a calico cat curled up on his chest* What the hell happened last night?

???: Oh good you're awake.

Y/N: JESUS FUCK! *falls off of the bed and lands on your tail as it send a massive shock of pain up your spine as you groan on the floor* oww.

???: If you are awake now then come downstairs. I made breakfast. Also I'm Shota Aizawa and I'm your legal guardian now after I found you being kidnapped from your run down house in the middle of nowhere.

Y/N: You can't legally take me with you while I'm asleep. That's kidnapping, So you legally don't have any authority over me!

Aizawa: I actually do. I was legally allowed to adopt you after I found you.

Y/N: Bullshit. I would have to ag-mm!? *Aizawa shoves a piece of toast into your mouth*

Aizawa: Shut up and eat. I have to go to UA so I can watch over the entrance exam and you're going to it as well so I can keep an eye on you.

Y/N: *swallows down the toast quickly* I'm fine with being alone, plus I was rejected from the school when I tried the first time.

Aizawa: *rubs the bridge of his nose* Sorry but you are going. End of discussion.

Y/N: Wait, I'm only 17 so I can't go into collage yet. I also don't have a GPA or a social security number that would be required to be able to take the entrance exam.

Aizawa: You are a smart kid but I can just tell them that I want you to join but I want you to take the normal entrance exam. *throws you a black and red hero suit* Now get dressed and you better try at the entrance exam or I will turn you into the police.

Y/N *starts debating the options* ...

Aizawa: I will also stop my nightly patrols then.

Y/N: *stares him dead in the eyes* You wouldn't dare!

Aizawa *smiles as he sees you react* Try me, problem child~.

Y/N: *Stares into his eyes* ... god dammit. FINE! You win Shota.

Aizawa: Alright so get ready. I already have a headache from mic and you made it worse.

Y/N: Wait mic, as in Present mic?

Aizawa: Yes. Mic is my husband. Are you a fan of his?

Y/N No- Well yes but no. I can actually agree with you to an extent. But why isn't he here right now?

Aizawa: He has to run the written portion of the exam which if we don't hurry you're going to be late to.

Y/N: Fine fine but when he does meet me can you just make sure he is slightly quiet? Loud noises hurt my ears.

Aizawa: If you find a way to make him quiet you will have been the first person in history.

Y/N: Great... *puts on the hero suit as you let your tail exit the hole in the back as you put on the fingerless gloves in the pocket* How did you know this is what I would want my suit to be?

Aizawa: I guessed based on how you looked and I gave you fingerless gloves so your knuckles don't get bruised too badly.

Y/N: Well I was going to just use my claws and my enhanced strength but this works so much better for it. Thanks.

Aizawa: You can thank me by passing the test now in the car.

Y/N: I'm going I'm going *runs to the car as Aizawa chuckles a little but quickly stops it and gets in the car* Did you just...

Aizawa: I have no clue what you're talking about.

Y/N: But you just chuckled!

Aizawa: Shut up. *Starts drives to the entrance exams*

A/N: This is the end of the chapter. This one was a bit longer then the last one and I may be adding more and making them longer as time goes on.

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