Entrance Exams!

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You flawlessly pass the written portion of the test and correct the spelling errors in the test as you finish it within 20 minutes even though they gave everyone 2 hours for the test and you just walked around and got 5 waters, 3 eggs, and 20 bean and cheese burritos.

*walks into the auditorium and sits near the back row next to a kid with green hair and freckles on your right then a kid with blue hair and glasses on your left as you put your feet up on the back of the chair and start eating the food fast and finishing them in 30 seconds*

Mic:What's up, UA candidates? Thanks for tunin' in to me, your school DJ. C'mon. And lemme hear ya!

*everyone stays quiet as everyone can hear some light chewing*

Mic: Keeping it mellow, huh? That's fine, I'll skip straight to the main show. Let's talk about how this practical exam is gonna go down, okay?Are you ready?

*there is some light talking*

???: Oh my gosh it's the voice hero Present Mic. I listen to his radio channel.

Y/N: Hey kid, can you please be quiet? I'm trying to listen and not be distracted by you talking so close to my ears.

???: Sorry I'm just really excited.

???2: you two be quiet and sir you mentioned there are three types of villains but there are clearly four if this is an error on-!

Y/N: Glasses shut the hell up. He was getting to that part of the test. And I was only asking for broccoli boy to be quiet so I can hear clearer. *makes your wolf ears stand up so they can be seen easier*

Iida: My name is Iida not glasses and put your feet down how dare you disre-

Y/N: *you put your feet down as you stand up and tower over Iida and growl* I don't care. Sit down and shut up. *both of you sit back down in the chairs as you focus back to present mic* Please continue Present mic.

Mic: Right. So anyway the fourth villain is worth zero points so it's just an obstacle that is easier to just avoid. Now let's continue with this exam!

you all head out to your different arenas as you are near the back and as soon as the gates open you charge forward on all fours as you jump off of people and run into the arena as you stand up and start breaking robots as there is people yelling that your cheating and you should be disqualified.

Mic: What are you doing there is no count down in a real battle! GO GO GO!

Suddenly everyone is running in and breaking robots as you have already reached 200 points.

Y/N (This is a test for a hero school so the bots give you points but saving and helping others should add to it as well) *you start running around for more robots as you see a group cornered as you run in and rip off all of the robots heads with your claws tearing through the wires as you get some thanks as they run off again*

All of a sudden you feel a giant rumble as you fall down and try to balance yourself on all fours as you see a giant robot tower over you and start crushing a building.

Y/N Okay nope *you start to run off but hear someone under some rubble* You have got to be kidding me. *you run over and lift up the rubble as best as you can as you pull the person out and pick them up as you run and set them down by the alleyway* This is just gonna cause trouble and be a massive pain in my ass. *You use your claws to climb up the robot as you start feeling pain in your hands and stiffness as you hurry up the robots body and start tearing it's wiring out of its body and breaking peices inside of it then it soon shuts down and starts falling* Shit I got to run!

you run out of the robot the same way you got in as it hits the ground and you end up getting your legs crushed by the robot's head as it hits the ground and the time ends.

Mic: That concludes the practical exam if anyone is injured please head over to the school nurse recovery girl.

Y/N: *you start crawling out from under the robot's head as your legs are broken and bruised as your suddenly picked up by a girl with pink skin*

Mina: Hey! I'm Mina Ashido. I'm the girl you saved from being crushed. *she carries you on her back as she sits you down by recovery girl*

RG: Well I say that you have the same injuries as a kid I just helped. *she heals your legs as they bend back into place and heal correctly* There you go. You may feel drowsy so head home and get some rest.

Y/N: Thank you. And thank you Ashido for helping me to Recovery girl. *you leave the stadium and wait for Aizawa by the gate* I swear that if I didn't get into this stupid school...

Aizawa takes a while to get to the gate as he just kind of stares at you wide eyed.

Y/N: ... What is something on my face?

Aizawa: Why were you rejected previously?

Y/N: Too young and was seen as weak because of how thin and weak I looked. Why?

Aizawa: So first you try to say you were rejected for something else and then you turn around and tell me it's because you were too young and you looked weak? You scored 500 points total and set a new record. You are much stronger than I thought and they rejected you?

Y/N: Yeah, I did say I LOOKED weak right? Can we just go now? I'm tired and don't want to pass out while just standing.

Aizawa: Fine, get in the car. *he walks with you back to the car as you get in the passenger seat and he drives back to his house*

A/N: If you notice A lot of chapters come out It's mostly because I have been pre writing the chapters in a google doc and if it needs work I fix them after I make the drafts and then once I'm done I post them.

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