Late Christmas special

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Nick: Hello and yes I'm not dead. Also this as late as I have not really been able to think of the calviery team for Y/N. Also NOT CANON

Y/N: It's not that hard dumb ass I have a copy and wolf quirk I could work as the runner also bullshit this isn't canon

Nick: That could work but I don't know the team. Learn to listen dumb ass also it doesn't fit with where the story is right now so I could continue writting this story and later on rearrange the chapters to make this canon.

Y/N: Yeah yeah, whatever. Just put me on the same team as my brother at least so I can tease him with Denki.

Nick: You said brother when talking about shinso. I guess there is still some left over Christmas miracles here. Anyway I am going to get started on this chapter now.


Y/N: So we are all doing secret santa? Also why the fuck do I have a elf hat on?

Shinso: Well you wouldn't answer me and the only way we got that on you was mina tackling you to the ground and putting it on your head.

Y/N: *Ignores him* I mean I would wear a headband, not everything has to be a hat. *Takes the hat off and writes his name on a slip off paper* Anyway pass this around and put your nanes in it then aizawa can shuffle it and place the slip of paper on a persons desk. He can look at the names as well to make sure no one gets themselves.

*They class goes with Y/N's plan as aizawa just pulls out the names and hides them as he puts them on random desks*

Aizawa: I expected you all to have your presents here by tomorrow. *Crawls into this sleeping bag*

Y/N: *Looks at the names and sees he got bakugou* Oh this as to perfect.

(Time skip of chibi Nick switching the one chip challenge chip to a salt and vinger chip as he also decide to wrap a real present which was extremely spicy hot sauce on a grenade container)

Y/N: *Places the presents on a table right by the classroom door but stops for a second seeing her has about 10 presents then he walks to his desk confused* I mean I guess we didn't put a limit on how many presents a persons can get...

Soon the room fills with every student as they place there presents down as Y/N smiles a little and music starts playing as the lights go out

When the lights turn back on everyone notices the presents are on thier desk with aizawa in a santa costume standing at the front of the classroom

Aizawa: Alright everyone open your presents and sees what you got.

Y/N: *Grins as he watches bakugou's reaction to the one chip challenge as bakugou doesn't hesitate and eats the whole chip before spitting it out from the bitter taste of salt and vinegar as Y/N tries not to smile and begins to open his gifts seeing he got 3 oversized band t-shirts of ice nine kills, Iron maiden, and Nervana then got 3 gift cards to hot topic and 3 for Spencers and finally a plushy of a white rabbit* Okay so either shinso did this or shinso helped someone... *Notices a winkyface on a slip of paper and reads (Someone asked me to give you the rabbit ;)* ... *Looks at the thread on the shirts and the rabbit seeing the shirts were bought and the rabbit is mostly hand made as he looks at the rabbit a little morr then hugs it then sets it on his shoulder as it sticks to his shirt a little as he folds the shirts and makes a bag to hold them in as everyone starts talking about thier gifts*

Bakugou: *Walks with a pissed off face to Y/N* YOU! DOG! FIGHT ME!

Y/N: Say one sentence otherwise your wasting the oxygen a tree is making for you.

Bakugou: *Makes little explosions in his hand as your right side starts producing frost*

As soon as you both stand up ready to fight you both use your quirk... Only for yours and bakugous quirk to be disabled as you both don't stop glaring at each other only for the fight to be bare knuckle boxing as even without your quirk you out maneuver bakugou and make him trip as you copy midorya's move from the hero vs villain test as you grab backugou's arm and throw him over your shoulder and throw him on the ground as you pin him with a grin.

Aizawa: For fuck sake Y/N. Take bakugou to the nurse before I give you detention and extra work.

Y/N: Fine fine. I'm on it. *You hoist bakugou over your shoulder as you carry him to recovery girl as you got scolded by her and you apologize as bakugou wakes up a while later as you are sitting in a chair you brought closer with your head on his lap and bakugous does the unthinkable as he pets your head*

Bakugou: ... Soft... *He nudges you awake*

Y/N: Fine, I'll get up. *You sit up and realize what you were doing* Come on. Let's go back to class before aizawa is even more pissed off for us missing some lessons.
Nick: Alright everyone this is were I will leave this chapter of Howling bunny and as the tag says yes this is a slow burn and is rarely updated. I have not given up it has just been me trying to come up with teams that Y/N can be on-

Y/N: For the love of god hurry this up or you might bore the audience to death.

Nick: Sorry anyway comment your team or DM me and I will pick the team from the comments or whatever team I see repeated the most I will pick.

(1014 words)

Howling bunny (a Mirko x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now