Cold - Louis (Larry)

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Harry had been sick all week. He had a runny nose, sore throat, and headache.

The entire time Louis had been with Harry. The two were inseparable and Harry was thankful to have such a thoughtful friend. Little did the two know they're time together would backfire.

Louis hadn't said anything but he was definitely getting sick. He had the same symptoms as Harry and it was making him feel terrible. On top of trying to appear healthy he also had to take care of Harry.

Harry was not difficult to care for but when you were feeling just as bad things got complicated.

Louis would wipe his nose on his sweatshirt when Harry wasn't looking or take some medicine while Harry was asleep. He knew he couldn't keep it up forever but now he was in too deep.

Once he had put Harry to sleep in his bunk after making him some soup, Louis went to the kitchen to make some soup for himself.

When the soup was done Louis sat down with the warm bowl. He was super tired. Without realizing it, Louis allowed himself to sink in his seat.

Louis was knackered, he was so tired he felt as though he could fall asleep on the spot. He shifted up in the seat a bit to attempt to straighten out his bent back. He ended up sliding right back down the seat though.

The position was far from comfortable but Louis didn't care. He didn't have the strength to readjust himself again. He tried to focus on consuming his soup but without thinking he allowed his heavy eyelids to fall closed.

A minute later Louis's eyes reopened but not for long. He sneezed with whatever energy he had leftover then allowed himself to fall into a deep sleep.

Thirty minutes later Harry had awoken from his nap. He stood up, blew his nose, then trudged down the hall. He wanted to watch some movies with Louis.

He entered the kitchen assuming Louis was there.

Harry's heart broke when he saw his friend.

Louis was sitting in front of an untouched bowl of soup at the table with his head back, snoring softly. He even had a spoon in one of his hands.

Harry took in Louis's sickly appearance and immediately felt guilty. How had he not noticed Louis was sick.

He had dark bags under his eyes, he was pale, and obviously tired.

Harry grabbed the bowl of soup from the table whilst thinking of his next move. He put the bowl in the fridge for later then decided he needed to get Louis to a real bed. There was no chance this position would do Louis any good.

"Lou, hey Lou. Wake up." Harry whispered gently.

He tried his best not to chuckle at the situation.

Louis's eyes opened slowly. His head tilted back down and he stared up at Harry. Harry's eyes went soft. After a minute he remembered everything and sat up in a rush which caught Harry off guard. He nearly jumped at Louis's outburst.

"What's wrong Harry? Do you need anything? Medicine, cuddle- " Louis spoke quickly.

All Louis's thoughts and comments were blending in his fatigued brain. Both boys paused for a breath.

"I think I should be asking you the same thing." Harry said knowingly.

"What do you mean Haz?" Louis asked.

He knew exactly what Harry meant but he had decided to play dumb.

"You know Louis. Why didn't you tell me you were sick?" Harry said getting straight to the point.

Louis gave up.

"Because I wanted to take care of you." Louis sighed.

"Seriously Louis. You know your health is just as important as mine. Plus I love taking care of you." Harry said digging his fingered through Louis's knotted hair.

Poor Louis didn't know what to say so he just nodded. It was always hard to reply when Harry had a point, it wasn't often, but when it occurred there was nothing Louis could do.

"How about you and me move to the sofa and you can rest those pretty eyes." Harry said with a smirk.

Bringing light to a situation was one of Harry's best qualities.

"Ok, thanks Hazzy." Louis said.

"Thank you for taking care of me all this time." Harry said charmingly.

"I like to take care of you, Harry." Louis said with a wink.

"That's quite enough from you Tomlinston." Harry scolded.

The couple then laid down and cuddled until they fell asleep. It was perfect.


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- SmileyKoala <3

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