Separation Anxiety - Niall (Short-fic)

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"Can you just...hug me?" Niall asked wearily wiping the tears that had been forming in his eyes.

"Of course." Zayn said, giving Niall the biggest hug he could muster.

Niall started to sniffle and sob.

"Aww. Please don't cry Nialler. You're gonna make me cry." Zayn said sadly.

Niall begun crying harder.

Zayn gave the boy a reassuring squeeze and rubbed his back.

Tears kept falling.

Zayn was so caught off guard by this sudden wave of emotions from Niall. But it made sense as Niall had been having a difficult week. Especially after Liam left for holiday.

"I - I just want Li - Liam." Niall cried.

"I know you do. He I'll be back before you know it, love." Zayn said whispered sympathetically.

Soon Niall stopped crying and pulled away from Zayn.

"Would it help to call Liam?" Zayn asked.

Niall had been calling Liam all week. Zayn could tell it made Niall feel like a burden to intrude on Liam's vacation but the boys and especially Liam had told him there was nothing to worry about.

"I already called him today. I just can't s - stop thinking about him." Niall whimpered.

Zayn held Niall's hands and rubbed them warm. Niall's face was very red from crying and his eyes were big and sad. He looked like a sad puppy.

"It's ok to think about him. I mean, just think about how much fun he's having with his family. And how exited you are to see him in a few days." Zayn said, trying to redirect Niall's thinking.

His ocd made him constantly worry about the people he loves. He feels like if he makes a wrong move he will put Liam in pain.

"Yeah, I try to do that... but it keeps popping into my head that Liam is in trouble." Niall explained.

"I know buddy. Just remember Liam said. If you are missing him, or feeling anxious, just take some deep breaths, and hang out with us." Zayn reminded Niall.

Niall nodded teary eyed.

"Ok, so then breath with me. In for 6, hold for 6 out for 6."

Zayn breathed long and loud for Niall to copy.

They did this a couple times and Niall seemed to be a little calmer.

"That's it, buddy." Zayn said, then gave Niall another hug.

Soon Zayn stood up and helped Niall up.

They ended up spending the evening at an arcade. Then they had Nandos for dinner. Niall's favorite...


I hope everyone is healthy and happy. Love you all!

- SmileyKoala <3

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