Sick at school - Harry (Long-fic)

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Louis was on his way to his first period after inhaling a breakfast bar in the cafeteria. This morning he woke up and forgot to press snooze on his alarm clock. Then he slept in too long and now he would be late to math.

When he finally arrived he saw the teacher look at the clock and mark him as late on the attendance sheet.

Louis sighed and walked over to his and Harry's desk in the back of the classroom.

Getting seated, Louis noticed Harry had his head down which was unusual for him. He wasn't a teacher's pet but he did test into Louis's senior math class being a sophomore which meant he was a good student and he wouldn't have his head down in the first period unless something was wrong.

"Hey bud." Louis said, tapping Harry's shoulder.

Harry didn't respond and Louis was confused.

"Hello! Harry?" Louis kept tapping.

"St-op" Harry said with a voice crack.

"Why? What's going on?" Louis questioned further, this time with concern.

"Boys in the back! Please pay attention." The teacher interrupted her lesson then went back to teaching.

Harry finally lifted his head and Louis examined his face. Harry was pale, he had dark eye bags, and looked pained, and tired.

"Gosh, are you ok?" Louis asked with concern.

Harry nodded and got out his math book.

Louis got out his book too. He still didn't believe that Harry was ok.

In the first half hour of the class Harry seemed to be feeling increasingly uncomfortable and fidgety.

Louis was about to ask him again if he was ok but before he could Harry shot his hand up.

"Yes, Harry." The teacher asked.

"Can I go to the bathroom?" Harry rasped out and coughed harshly into the crook of his arm.

The teacher nodded and Harry was out of there.

A couple minutes later Louis asked to go to the bathroom and the teacher allowed him. She probably thought Harry didn't look too good either.

Louis thanked the teacher and left the classroom immediately.

As soon as the door closed, Louis ran to the closet boys bathroom.

When he went in he heard choking sounds and retching coming from the furthest stall. The stall door was open and when Louis looked in his heart broke to see poor Harry kneeling over the toilet puking his guts out.

Harry finished, spit into the toilet, and then flushed it. Turning back he noticed Louis. Louis stepped in and closed the stall door. Harry looked even more pale than he did earlier.

"Harry, I knew you weren't well! You should have told me mate." Louis said, sitting next to Harry on the floor.

Harry didn't respond. His throat was raw and hurt terribly. He let his head fall on Louis's shoulder.

"Do you wanna go to the nurse?" Louis asked, reading the room.

"No." Harry rasped and coughed into his arm.

The cough didn't sound normal. It was crunchy and made Harry's breathing sound labored.

"Why not? I'm sure my mom can help you. She can call your mom to pick you up." Louis said.

"My moms out this week for work." Harry croaked out.

"You could lay down in her office then? I'm sure she wouldn't mind." Louis tried again.

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