Sick - Everyone P1

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Niall had been feeling dreadful all day. He was let out of the days activities because of his condition and he wasn't any better by the end of the day when the boys returned to the hotel after a concert.

"We're back!" Louis announced while opening the door to the boys hotel room.

Niall looked up from his phone for the first time in two hours. He would much rather be fast asleep but with the deep barking cough he had there was no chance at sleep. Even laying down caused Niall's throat to catch which sent him into a full blown coughing fit.

The rest of the boys filtered into the small kitchenette and living room. They threw their shoes and dropped their bags haphazardly on the carpeted floor.

Liam was the first to spot Niall on the sofa. He immediately headed over to sit next to the blonde boy.

"Hey Nialler, are you feeling any better?" Liam asked while scooting next to Niall.

Niall cleared his throat before speaking. He was beyond congested at this point.

"I -" He coughed again, "I think I'm getting worse." Niall managed.

He could barely speak. The croaky reply caught the attention of Zayn. He was quickly picked up a glass of water and handed it to Niall who mouthed a thanks.

"He sounds pretty bad Liam. You think we should take him in?" Zayn asked Liam but Niall replied.

"NO," He coughed, "I don't need the doctor Li." Niall pleaded to Liam.

Liam was the most responsible and knowledgeable of the boys so he tended to make the calls when it came to sick boys.

"I don't know Niall. Your voice is nearly gone and we need you feeling good for our upcoming concerts." Liam reasoned.

After that Niall stopped talking because he knew from experience that Liam wouldn't be changing his answer.

Later that night Niall ended up falling asleep between Zayn and Liam during a post-concert movie. Since he'd been having trouble sleeping, the boys carried Niall to bed. The most surprising part of the whole ordeal was that Niall didn't even flinch while being relocated. This was weird because Niall was the lightest sleeper of everyone in the group.

That night Niall woke up a few times with coughing fits or fever induced nightmares. Liam dealt with the poor boy each time. By morning both boys had less than four hours of sleep under their belts. Liam had also developed a sore throat that he claimed was due to the lack of sleep but everyone knew he'd caught Niall's illness.

In the morning Zayn got Liam and Niall dressed for the doctor. The appointment was originally scheduled for just Niall but obviously Liam needed to be checked out now too.

"Guys, I promise I'm not sick. It's just a sore throat. Nothing a little tea can't fix." Liam tried for what felt like the millionth time that morning.

Louis, who was driving the car, was filled in on the eventful night of Niall and Liam.

"Oh shut up Liam. You're delirious from sleep deprivation and because of that you will get no say in anything." Louis clapped back with some sass.

"Yeah Liam, let's listen to what the doctor thinks." Zayn agreed from shotgun.

Liam rolled his eyes and looked tword Niall for support but Niall was fast asleep next to him. After a tough battle sleep claimed Liam just as it did Niall. The couples bodies would shift with the turns of the car. They ended up laying all over each other and Zayn thought it was so funny he took a picture before helping Louis wake them up.

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