Fever - Harry (Larry)

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All day Harry hadn't felt like himself. He was more tired than usual and he was super cold. He also had a dull headache that seemed to never let up.

Louis, Harry's boyfriend, had noticed especially that Harry was off. The first clue was when Harry skipped lunch. Harry had also skipped breakfast but that was normal for the boys because it was always so early they were never hungry. But Harry always made sure he had lunch.

Louis also paid close attention to Harry's actions. Harry was moving much slower and he shivered every once in a while. Louis had decided to brush all this off until Harry came to him but he never did until that night.

The couple was laying in bed together, about to go to sleep when Harry shivered again.

"You cold baby?" Louis asked his boyfriend.

Harry shivered again and looked at Louis, even though the hotel room was to dark to see anything.

"Yeah, I can't seem to get warm." Harry expressed and cleared his throat.

Louis pulled Harry into a warm hug. The embrace helped with Harry's shivering for the time being.

In the hug Louis felt an odd amount of heat radiating off his boyfriend. He put the side of his hand to Harry's forehead. Normally Harry would squirm away if Louis tried to check his temperature but Harry was already half asleep tonight.

"You're warm H. I think you've got a fever." Louis whispered.

Harry didn't move because he was fast asleep. Louis took the quiet snores as an answer.

Unfortunately for Harry, having a fever meant you needed to bring the fever down. And based on the high amount of heat Louis detected, there was no time to waste.

"Hazzy, wake up for me babe. We've gotta get that fever down a bit before you sleep." Louis attempted.

He ran hands up and down Harry's back, arms, and neck. Nothing.

"C'mon Harry, get up for me. You'll feel so much better with some medicine and a cool rag." Louis tried again, this time with a bit more serious tone.

"Lou, I'm not sick. I jus wanna sleep." Harry moaned into his pillow.

Louis's heart nearly melted at his boyfriends helpless pleads. No, wasn't an answer this time though.

"Get up H. I really don't wanna leave you here by yourself." Louis said getting more desperate.

"But where are you going?" Harry said, still half sleeping.

"Just to Liam's room so we can get some meds. You can rest on his bed too, while we're there." Louis said.

"Mmm, fine!" Harry said.

Louis sighed with relief. He wasn't sure how much more fight he had in him.

Soon Louis helped his sick boyfriend get out of bed. It was quite the struggle because Harry kept refusing to leave the warm covers.

The two settled on Harry wearing a sweatshirt and sweatpants so he was less cold. Even though Harry argued that the extra layers only made him more cold.

Then Louis and Harry walked to Liam, Zayn, and Niall's room. They were still wide awake on their phones and watching sports.

"Louis and Harry, what are you guys here for? You lads need something?" Niall asked in his thick Irish accent.

The couple typically spent nights together without the other boys. It was their time.

"Actually yes. Liam, do you still have the fever reducers in your bag?" Louis asked.

Louis then looked back at Harry who was staring off into space.

"Let me check. Who's sick?" Liam asked while shuffling through his VERY unorganized bag.

"Harry's got a decent fever. I didn't find out until now, so I just want to help before it gets really bad." Louis replied.

"Good thinking Lou!" Zayn said, finally looking up from his phone.

Niall got up from his spot to check up on his band mate.

"You good Haz? I heard you've got a fever." Niall said.

Niall's comment snapped Harry out of his daze.

"What? I'm just tired." Harry said.

Clearly his brain didn't even register what the question was or even who it was coming from because Harry was taking to a lamp.

"That's the fever talking Nialler." Zayn laughed.

"Found it!" Liam said, happy he could help.

"Thanks a million Li!" Louis said thankfully taking the bottle.

He read the directions on the way back to their room. Harry practically collapsed on the bed when they arrived.

"Don't sleep yet Harry. You still need to take this." Louis said handing Harry the pill.

Harry shakily got his water from earlier and swallowed the meds.

"Yummy!" Harry clapped like a toddler.

Once again, the fever speaking.

Louis then ran to the bathroom and soaked a towel with cold water. He wrung it out until it stopped dripping before bringing it back to his boyfriend.

Harry was already sleeping when he got back so he made sure to be quiet. He then carefully placed the rag on Harry's head and got in bed himself.

"Love you Hazzy, feel better soon, ok?" Louis asked, not expecting an answer.

"Ok Lou Lou." Harry mumbled in reply.


I hope you enjoyed my story.

Feel free to leave tips and requests in the comments.

Q & A, Larry or Zarry?

Thank you for reading!!!

- SmileyKoala <3

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