Very sick - Harry (Larry) P1

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"Harry, wake up, baby." Louis said and kissed his boyfriend until his eyes started squirming.

He was sniffling a little bit and Louis noticed.

"I'm still tired, Loubear." Harry said, although his voice was already weak voice was being muffled by the pillow he stuffed his face in.

"I know. You slept in quite a lot, love." Louis said, rubbing Harry's back to try and get him up.

Suddenly Harry coughed deeply. He sounded very phlegmy, sick.

"Are feeling alright?" Louis asked.

Harry shook his head, still into the pillow as if Louis would allow him to go back to sleep.

"Aww, it was probably from that meet and greet yesterday. I know you catch bugs easily, I should have made you wash your hands right after." Louis said, regretfully.

Harry turned around to look at Louis. He grabbed one of Louis's hands.

"Don't" he cleared his throat twice. " feel bad, Lou. I love you so much, and it's not your job to remind me to take care of myself." Harry reassured Louis.

Even while sick, Harry could still charm Louis. For a moment he could even feel himself blushing as he looked at Harry's tired but gorgeous eyes.

It didn't take long for him, however to snap back into go mode.

"Ok, thank you. I love you too, darling. But we've really got to get going and get on the road." Louis said as he held Harry's hands tightly and pulled him out of bed.

Harry shivered as Louis lead him to the restroom so he could brush his teeth.

Meanwhile Louis answered the door and Liam told him to hurry up. He told Liam they wouldn't be more than five minutes longer and he left.

Once Harry finished with his teeth he groggily walked back to the main room where Louis had Harry's clothes laid out on the bed.

He started changing as Louis rushed with bags.

Soon Harry has on his last sock but he couldn't quite get it with his foggy brain that hadn't been awake for more than four lousy minutes.

Louis noticed immediately and helped Harry. Then he even tied Harry's shoes for him.

"Fanks Lou." Harry rasped then coughed a little.

It reminded Louis to grab some tissues from the restroom for Harry.

It wasn't long before both boys were out the door and into Paul's car.

It was actually much colder outside then anyone intended as the boys were to do a photo shoot outside today. Right into an interview.

In the front was Liam, as he always loved to make jokes with Paul.

Niall and Zayn were in the very back of the van. Niall of course, was closest to the food bag.

That left Louis and Harry in the middle row.

Not great for people trying to have conversations since Harry was sniffling the entire time.

It was even louder and more apparent that Harry was sick when he started coughing.

"Holy hell. You alright, mate?" Liam asked as he had been listening to Harry and he was genuinely very concerned he might back up a lung.

"YeA-h.." Harry barely said.

His voice was nearly gone and his throat was absolutely shredded.

Liam did not look convinced in the slightest.

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