Cold - Everyone - P1

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"Achoo!" Niall sneezed.

"Bless you honey." Said Zayn sympathetically as Niall let out his last sneeze.

"Ugh, I feel so sick." Niall complained while rubbing his itchy nose.

"Stuffy too. You sound really congested, Ni." Liam pointed out.

Niall nodded. He didn't want to use his voice more than it was needed. It sounded raspy and weak. Niall's throat would also hurt terribly every time he swallowed.

"Ni, time for your next dose of medicine." Harry sang, meds in hand with some water.

"Ye-ay!" Niall tried, but his voice cracked.

Everyone cringed at the sound.

"Another lozenge?" Louis asked, clearly worried for his friend.

"Yes, please, thanks." Niall said, then started massaging his throat.

Niall first accepted the cough and cold medicine from Harry. Next he took the lozenge from Louis.

"It's a good thing that we have this six day break. I think we could all use a little rest and relaxation, you know?" Liam said

"Yeah, also I'd like to propose a movie night?!" Harry said with excitement.

Everyone nodded and went off to grab various supplies. Harry brought tons of blankets, then dropped like three on the stairs but luckily Zayn was there to pick them up for him. Liam and Louis made popcorn, per Niall's request. Niall grabbed himself a tissue box for his runny nose and some lozenges. Niall also filled a cup of water for each of the boys. After collecting the supplies the boys squished onto one sofa with comfy blankets and munching on popcorn.

The seating arrangement was Louis, Harry, Niall in the middle, then Zayn, and Liam on the end.

After settling on a movie the boys cuddled and watched until late at night. During the movie Niall coughed, blew his nose, and rasped when laughing or speaking. It was the second movie that Niall allowed himself to fall asleep. He was soon followed by Liam, then Harry, Zayn, and Louis.

The boys slept like this all night. In the morning they all woke up to the sound of Liam's daily alarm that he forgot to disable.

Niall rubbed his eyes and the other boys lifted their weary heads. They were all waking up when Zayn sneezed.


"Uh oh. Sounds like someone's caught Niall's cold." Louis said.

"No, jus' a little off." Zayn rasped a little and cleared his throat.

Zayn's voice was weak and croaky just like Niall's.

There was a moment of silence before Harry started coughing. It was a deep sickly cough. The boys called it a barking cough.



"Haz, I bet you've caught it too." Liam said, checking the time and turning off his alarm.

"I guess we're the only healthy ones Li." Louis pointed out.

The sick boys frowned at this.

"We'll mates I'm sure it's only a matter of time before ya all catch this cold." Niall rasped.

"We'll see about that Horan!" Liam said, even though he could already feel a dull headache coming on.

"Yes we shall." Niall laughed.

The laughing then turned into coughing and Harry patted Niall's back for him.

"You guys should probably all have some medicine today. I can get some out for you sicky's!" Louis said.

"Nooo, Louis." Harry croaked and cracked his voice.

Louis was already on his feet but bent down to Harry's seated level.

"It's ok, I'll be right back, then we can cuddle or something ok?" Louis offered.

Harry nodded then laid back down like a sleepy toddler.

Niall and Zayn on the other hand had already gotten up. Zayn had went to the restroom to blow his runny nose and Niall went to help Louis get the medicine.

"I'll make us some breakfast." Liam said.

Soon Louis came back with some medicine. Louis only allowed Niall to help him carry it to Zayn and Harry who had collected back on the couch. Louis did not want to get sick.

"Your medicine, my king." Niall joked as he gave Zayn some pills and water.

Zayn rolled his eyes.

"Sit down Niall, you're sick too you know." Louis said giving Harry the medicine.

"But I'm already feelin so much better." Niall moaned.

"We'll it's only been a few minutes and your voice hasn't gotten any better either." Harry said.

Niall threw his arm up dramatically and sat down in defeat.

"Get some rest lads. And drink tons of water. I'll wake you guys when Liam's done with breakfast." Louis said.

The boys on the couch nodded and got comfy. They curled up in each other's warmth like little puppies, so sweet!!

Louis then entered the kitchen to help Liam but was came in seeing him taking medicine.

"What are you doing?" Louis asked, worried and suspicious.

Liam turned around. Well that's it, he'd been figured out.

"I had a headache so I was just gonna have a pain reliever and move on. It really is t too bad Louis." Liam said.

"Mhm. You're sick aren't you?" Louis said confidently.

"I think so." Liam admitted with a frown.

"To the couch." Louis pointed and ordered Liam.

"But-" Liam tried.

"No buts!" Louis sassed like a mom.

Liam headed to the living room where he saw all the boys were fast asleep. Wow they must be really sick to fall asleep that fast!

Liam took the armchair by the sofa as it was being used. Liam went on his phone since he wasn't quite tired yet.

Meanwhile Louis was worried that he was the only healthy one left and didn't feel great himself. He wasn't sure if he was sick though because he thought he was only feeling like this because his friends and boyfriend were unwell.

Soon Louis finished the oatmeal Liam had started, and made five bowls to give the boys.

When he set them out on the table, Louis noticed all the boys were out cold, even Liam. I guess he was worse than he thought.

Louis didn't want to wake them because they needed sleep so he figured he'd get some himself. The boys would surely be out for a while anyways so there would be no harm in sneaking a nap in himself.

Louis took over the vacant armchair after taking a picture of Harry sleeping. He loved his boyfriend. Soon Louis drifted off just like the other guys had.

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