Nose Bleed - Harry

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All day Harry had been feeling fine. Fine, as in a little tired, maybe a bit dizzy at times, but overall normal.

That was until the end of the evening. The boys had spent most of their day at the studio. They were going over various details for upcoming events. Pretty boring if you ask them.

Harry wasn't feeling the best and he didn't know why. The feeling had hit him so suddenly and randomly that he really wasn't sure what to do.

Basically he felt a mix of drowsy, light headed, and dizzy, all combining to make him feel absolutely terrible.

At the moment Harry was at a table with the rest of the band. They had just finished a meeting to discuss the songs on the next album, Four.

The boys were all super exited to release the new music and tour but Harry hadn't been as vocal about his excitement that day. Nobody really noticed though.

Harry had been sitting for a good hour because of the meeting. He figured if he stood up, he could walk off this feeling. He was so very wrong.

When he got up, a bit shakily, Harry was struck with a wave of dizziness and saw a drop of red fall on the tile floor.

Now Harry was horror struck. He examined the liquid from a far.

The red was unmistakably blood and it was followed by a consistent gush of dark red blood. It went everywhere and frightened Harry even more.

He touched his nose, then looked at down at his now bloody hands. So scary.

Harry, feeling helpless and uncertain, turned to face the boys and they all gasped and rushed to help him.

The blood oozed from Harry's nose. The area was really turning into a crime scene.

Louis, of course, was the first at Harry's side.

"Oh my goodness Harry!" Liam said.

Harry was frozen in place. He used his hand to try and catch the blood that didn't stop gushing from his nose.

"Niall, grab him some tissues or something?!" Zayn ordered.

Niall, who was shocked and frozen in place, immediately got up and scrambled to fill Zayn's order. He quickly realized, however, that there were no tissues in this room.

Niall looked left and right and quickly settled his gaze on a roll of paper towels.

He took about five paper towels and gave them to Louis who helped Harry put them to his nose.

Harry was nearly crying at this point from pure fear and surprise of all the blood he was loosening.

Even the boys had never seen anything like it. They tried there best to stay calm for their friend.

At this point the blood covered and dripped down Harry's hands and chin. It ran down his shirt and onto the now, puddle of blood. He had to gasp for breaths sometimes because he didn't want to breath blood.

"The sink Harry. Go over the sink!" Liam shouted, frantically at the boy.

Harry let Liam gently guide him twirls the sink. The blood would now go down the drain.

There was so much blood on the floor though, it was beyond saving but whatever.

Harry kept whimpering while Niall and Zayn took turns switching out the paper towels for fresh ones.

Meanwhile, Louis and Liam took the job of coaching Harry through this traumatic experience.

MANY paper towels later, Harry's nose bleed started to stop. Thank goodness.

Louis had been rubbing Harry's back. He helped clean Harry's blood stained face and mouth.

"Are you feeling ok, Haz? That was so random, and you lost a LOT of blood." Zayn said, worried.

Harry cleaned his face and hands again with a damp paper towel.

"I'm fine, but I feel super lightheaded right now." Harry said, his voice was just about a whisper.

Harry clearly wasn't doing so well.

Liam pulled a chair over for Harry to sit on.

"Thanks Li." Harry said.

"Aww, anything for you Hazzie boy." Liam said.

"Hey, only Louis can call me that!" Harry chuckled, even though he was actually being quite serious.

"Here Harry, I found some ice and made an ice pack for your head or something. I don't know, I thought it would help." Niall said, he was so cute, just wanting to be helpful.

"That's good Ni. My mom taught me to put it on the back on his neck. It should help him feel less faint." Louis said. (His mom was a nurse.)

When Louis put the cold pack on the back of Harry's neck, he instantly felt relived of the nations, sick feeling he was going through earlier.

"You really had us scared there Harry. Has that ever happened to you before?" Zayn asked.

"Um, only a few times when I was young. Not recently though." Harry answered.

"Hmm, are you feeling better now?" Liam asked.

"Yeah, the cold is really helping." Harry said, gratefully.

Louis shook his head.

"You should still take it easy for a bit Harry. You can rest on the ride back or something. After this it's not good to be all crazy n stuff." Louis said, like a true doctor.

Harry rolled his eyes.

"I know, I know. I'm really feeling fine now, though, so you don't need to be all mushy with me!" Harry said.

"We know." The rest said.

Harry didn't like being babied by his friends. I mean he wasn't that much younger than the group.

When Harry complained of being babied, Liam would always tell him that if he didn't want to be babied then he shouldn't give the boys a reason to baby him. It wasn't Harry's fault he was more vulnerable to sickness than the other boys, however.

On the way back to the hotel, Harry followed Louis's instructions without even being told to. Harry was super tired anyways so he easily feel asleep on Louis's shoulder on the ride back.

At the boys shared hotel room, they had a chill night in. Watching movies and cracking jokes was the main activity of the night. In the end the boys feel asleep together on the sofa like a bunch of puppies sleeping together in a pile.

Paul came in to check on the boys as he was supposed to do each night and saw the cute scene. He snapped a photo for their parents and put blankets on the sleeping boys.

The next morning Harry was the last to wake up but when he did, he felt refreshed and perfectly fine.

Whatever happened the day before was now behind Harry and he just hoped it would never happen again.


Hi, I hope you enjoyed my story.

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Q & A, who is the best dancer in 1D?

Thanks for reading!!!

- SmileyKoala <3

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