Stomach Bug - Harry P2 (Long-fic)

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After the whole ordeal that day, Paul took Harry back to the hotel for some much needed rest. The next day the boys had a concert and Harry wouldn't be able to sit out. Not only did the band need him but management would never allow him or anyone to not be present. In their words,

"If you can't sing, dance. If you can't dance, sit and interact with fans. If you can't do anything you should be in the hospital." - management.

Anyways, Harry took medicine that night and went to bed early in hopes of making a quick recovery.

It wasn't that easy.

All through the night Harry had been up with a variety of the boys throwing up and basically feeling miserable. Around 4:00 am, Harry was able to fall asleep and stay asleep without being sick.

This was a small victory but it didn't mean he was feeling better. Because Harry threw up so much in the last 36 hours he had become very weak and dehydrated.

Originally the boys tried to get Harry to have a bit of food but he ended up vomiting so much they gave up. Now they had a lot of work to do if they wanted Harry to be well enough to perform that night.

"Good morning sleepyhead." Louis whispered into Harry's ear.

Harry opened his dull green eyes. Below Harry's eyes were dark bags from lack of sleep and little to no nourishment. Louis needed to help his boy before he made himself even worse.

"I can barley move Lou. I'm so tired!" Harry moaned while turning his head to the other side of the pillow.

Louis knew this was gonna be a challenge.

"Wait Haz, before you go back to sleep I want you to have this." Louis said while picking up the plate of toast he'd just prepared.

Not only was toast easy on a messed up stomach, but it was also one of the only edible dishes Louis could cook.

"Is it food?" Harry asked, his voiced cracking terribly.

Louis replied reluctantly, "Yes, but I don't think it'll make you sick."

This time Harry turned his head back to Louis on the pillow. His face had septic written all over it.

"Mhm, that's what you said last time." Harry croaked.

There wasn't a chance Louis would let Harry out this time. The younger boy was so weak and fragile. Louis just wanted to shove nutrients into Harry's body.

"Hazzy, I know but if you don't eat anything you'll feel even worse than you do right now." Louis attempted to convince his boyfriend.

All the back and forth conversation was making Harry less and less able to continue fighting back.

"Fine." Harry said.

"Good, now sit up for me love." Louis told Harry.

Harry tried to push himself up but he wasn't strong enough in his state so Louis had to assist him.

Once Harry was upright in bed, Louis set the plate of toast on his blanket covered lap.

Harry gave Louis sad puppy eyes as a last attempt at getting out of eating the toast but Louis simply shook his head. It was clear he was not gonna take no for an answer.

Soon Harry took his first bite. The toast was crunchy and slightly burnt but he didn't tell Louis. After the third tiny bite of that, Harry felt a bit better.

"Finish it off Harry. Then I'll give you cuddles and you can rest." Louis offered.

Harry was able to complete the piece of toast without feeling too nauseous so both boys took it as a win.

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