CHAPTER 7:She'll think about it

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Mira was on her way to his house and she could feel her heartbeat getting louder and louder.

"Why am I so scared" Mira said

Few moments later

Mira arrived at his door step and had her mouth open at how beautiful the house was. 

It wasn't much to her, but yet it was so much

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It wasn't much to her, but yet it was so much.  She felt so warm while staring at all the lights,  which was different from what she felt around 'Mr stalker ' which was why she was more surprised.

She walked up to the door and rang the door bell.

The door opened after a few minutes and to her surprise it was a girl.
To Mira she was perfection.  She had blue eyes and blonde curly hair in contrast to his black curly hair.  Mira wondered why Leo would choose herself over the girl in front of her.

°I knew she would be pretty° Bri thought

'Hello, you must be looking for Leo.' Bri said with a smile and a lively attitude.

Mira nodded as she got that his name was Leo

'Come on in then' Bri said

'Uhh...thank you' Mira said

As mira walked in she was more mesmerized by the interior that the exterior.
Her eyes widened as she looked around the house.  It looked like she had walked into a

  It looked like she had walked into a

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different house than she saw outside.

The interior of the house looks different from what you would expect with the colours and everything. Mira thought.

Bri took her to where leo was and when she saw him, she felt a chill pass through her spine.  She found him more handsome than ever.  She fell for his perfect blue eyes all over again.

"You can come and have your seat" Bri said as she directed her towards the couch in the middle of the room.

"Thank you" she said as she was snapped out of her thoughts.

"Soooo...aren't you going to introduce us"

"Aren't you going home, I think it's time" leo said, feeling frustrated that his cousin couldn't shut up.

"Ha ha ha, very funny" she grinned.
°they have a great relationship and she obviously isn't his sister.  Right?  I still don't trust him or his perfect face, why in the world would he chose me over her° Mira was obviously lost in her thoughts but bri brought her out of them.

"I'm Brianna Argent, Leo's cousin, but you can call me Bri"

°oh, she is his cousin° Mira thought.  She felt a strange sense of relief upon hearing Bri but didn't know why.

"Uhh....I'm Mira Tasset, it's nice to meet you.

" Tasset!! ". Bri exclaimed " seriously, your dad is Jack Tasset"

"Yeah, he is"

" Wow, you're pretty lucky to be his daughter"
I replied with a slight smile.
°In another life, yeah.  Why does everyone think he's such a great man.  They don't know about the things he's done to my mum and i°

"That's enough Bri, you can leave now" Leo said

" you always have to be a joy kill" Bri said

" Yes"

" Fine.  I'll leave, but I'll be back"

" Whatever"

Mira couldn't help but smile.  She thought they were close.  He didn't act like a cold hearted jerk around her.
*for most of the time at least*

Bye Mira"she said while waving at me with a smile on her face.

" And Leo, don't worry I'll see myself out"

" Are you going to talk first, or should I" Leo said.

" asked me to come here and I  just want to know why you want me to get married to you"

" Business and that's all you need to know"

" Wow.  You did a lot of research on me, but do you know what I want the most"

" Enlighten me"

Mira knew she was revealing a lot to him but she had to say it

" It's to fall in love"

Leo always had girls tell him they had dreams, but non of them ever said their dream was to fall in love.
He was basically taking that away from her just to satisfy himself and get payback.  Of course Leo thought of this but he would do anything to get what he wants.  Even if it meant breaking Mira.

She continued
"It might seem crazy as hell but when I was little I didn't have time to have any dreams of my own.  My father already figured out my future, or should I say 'his future for me'.  The only thing I thought I could at least have is love.  I can't have a marriage based on business"

" You may not want that but it's better than getting married to someone your dad picks for you" Leo said

" What do you mean by that"

" Malcom, does that make ring a bell"

Malcom was Mira's friend.  She stopped being friends with him because he didn't care about her.  All he cared about was money and she couldn't associate herself with someone like him.  Also her father liked him and that didn't make things better as she hated him.

" what does he have to do with this"

"You are going to get married to him" Leo said

"I will never ever be married to someone like him"

"Tell that to your dad.  Look we both have things we would benefit from this.  Yours being, you get to finally have nothing to do with your dad and you don't have to marry Malcom"

"How can I be sure you aren't lying to get what you want"

"Ask your dad if you don't believe me"

°. I can never get married to Malcom.  All he cares about is money.  I hate to admit it but even '. Mr stalker' is better than him.  I'm sure I have more chances of falling in love with Leo than I do with Malcom° Mira thought.

Leo waited for a response and all she could say was

"I'll think about it but I have to leave now"

"Fair enough.  I'll have my driver take you home, it's late"

"No, it's fine"

"When are you going to realize you can't change my mind" he said

°what a jerk° Mira thought while she nodded slightly and muttered a "thank you"

Another finished and unedited chapter. Please overlook any errors if any.

Mira said she'll think about it.  Does that make her look easy??? 🤔🤔

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Thanks for reading.

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