Chapter 42: Found her.

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Leo's pov

"If I'm correct" jack said as he removed his phone from his face "they're in this house"

"What do you mean by that?" I asked, my impatience rising by the minute. "I thought you Said she had left to a particular place multiple times"

"That's what she would want us to think. That might be her plan-B" this sounds absurd to me, but the thought of even having a slight knowledge of where she may be caused me to ask my next question.

"If you're correct. If they are here, then where?"

"Rya always insisted we build a vault like space here. I always shunned the thought and refused, but what if she still did it behind my back"

"Really? We're relying on your intuition? Also how clueless would you be to not know what goes on in your own house" emphasis on 'clueless'

"I know it seems like I avoid these things" he took a pause but didn't continue.

"But... complete your statement" I told him with a look of confusion on my face.

"There's no but, I do avoid these things. I just didn't expect Rya would be capable of all this. There's no going back now and we possibly don't have time left, but I'm sure of one thing and it's that they're in this house. We just have to figure out how to get to them"

"Where do you think we should check first then?" I said, finally giving in. It's better if we find a way to cooperate.

We've been searching for a while and still found nothing. You'd guess it'd be underground but there are enough holes outside to tell us it's not there.

With exhaustion written on our faces we both entered the elevator, cause we were too tired to take the stairs.

"I'm honestly baffled" I said with a dry laugh.

"How could you not notice the things happening under your nose? In your home" he had his head held low and for a second I thought he wasn't going to reply.

I was about to speak again when he spoke.
"I miss her" he briefly made eye contact with me before dropping his head again "I wasn't a good husband or a good father"

"Still aren't" I butted in.

"I felt like the least I could do for her was remain invisible. To not be present in Mira's life" he said, still looking down

"I thought her mother was being unfaithful to our marriage. I let my emotions cloud my judgment. We slowly grew apart and when she died, I figured out the truth" I adjusted myself against the walls of the elevator. How long will it take for those darn doors to open?

"I hated myself so much that I couldn't even bare to show my face at her funeral. I felt like a disgrace and I thought that would be the only thing I could do to honor her, even a little. It was already too late to repair my relationship with Mira so I distanced myself"

"What you don't know won't hurt you. I didn't want her to figure out what I did to her mother and I don't want to know how much my own daughter resents me. I just didn't want to figure it out, so here we are"

"As much as that story touches one's heart, we both know I'm not the one you should be telling it to" I said as he finally looked up "also where else is left to check? I mean we've checked almost everywhere, is there anywhere else?"

"I feel like it'll be right before us but we just won't see it" just as those words left my mouth, the elevator doors opened again, causing the both of us to stare at each other "it's the elevator"

"Quick! Look for any buttons or button like object" jack said, before worriedly looking around the elevator walls.

I noticed the buttons on one side and there were four buttons.
"Didn't you say this house had three levels?" I asked him not taking my eyes off the buttons.

Mira's pov
I watched in horror as I saw Leo entering the room. For once, I was sad that he found me. Why did he have to find me?

The worst part is that there's no way to warn him. I mean, if my aggressive signs with my facial expressions aren't enough what else?

Please Leo, just turn around.

"Well well, if it isn't 'The' Leo argent" Rya said as she approached him.

Thankfully this room isn't filled with a lot of able bodied men. I'd say about five are in here, but that doesn't change the fact the it'll be 1 against 5 if anything happens.

My hands and legs which are currently tied up aren't being of much help right now either.

"Let her go" he said, which caused a mocking laughter out of her.

"Ok, first of all, congratulations on finding her. I didn't think it would take you that long so no bonus points for that" does she think we're in some kind of sick game where she has all the power.

"sorry to inform you Leo, but you're in my game. Which means 'I' have all the power"

Ok, I did not expect her to say that.

"Look, you can have whatever you want. Money?"

"Well sadly Leo, you won't be able to offer me the amount of money I want"

"You honestly need to chill" I said, without thinking, earning glares from Rya's end. I take it, she can't handle the truth.

"As I was saying" she turned back to Leo "I want shares from your company and as promised, the signed papers" now she's just yapping.

I can already imagine the look on her face when Leo rejects her offer. Ha!! This is going to be so goo-


"Deal?!" I yelped "what do you mean deal?!"

"Take her out of here and make sure she's safe. Then, we can talk"

"Sure thing" she said before nodding at two of the men
"You know where to take her" they approached me and carried me out. Against my will, might I add.

"Leo don't do it!" I said amongst other things, before I was taken out of the room.

The cloth was put over my head again, for some reasons I don't know of.

I somehow ended up in a car and the cloth was again, aggressively pulled away. It took everything I had in me not to react.

We drove for a while and I noticed a car discreetly following us. These two men are too immersed in nothing to even notice. I don't blame them though.
Actually, I do blame them.

I wonder who's following us, but I hope they're going to save me from this awful situation. I've really tried not to think about him, but he's the only thing on my mind.

Another day, another chapter.
This book is coming to an end. Only a few chapters left, so stay tuned😉😉

Qotd: Instagram, YouTube or TikTok??
Don't say 'none of them'🫵🫵🫵🫵
Pick a minimum of 1 and maximum of 2

I pick instagram and YouTube🥹

As always, vote, share and comment (I'll read every single comment).

Love, skai_os

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