Chapter 30: 'Everything is wrong'

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Neglect any errors😊😊

You know, I thought this 'new lifestyle' would bring me more fun.

I was wrong

Leo has been in his 'home office' all day, and I'm tired of being bored  all the time. At this point, I'll do anything to get rid of this boredom.
Even if it means doing something I said I wouldn't.

I'll get closer to Leo. I'm practically stuck with him and I can't stay away from him even if I wanted to.

The racing of my heart increased as I took slow and steady steps towards his office door.

I knocked on the door and got no answer. I knocked again and still no answer, so I did what was right and I entered. Hm... He's not here.

I walked to his desk and sat in his chair, while rotating. I noticed a drawer slightly open and tried to close it.

"What are you doing?" I jerked up at the sound of his voice. My heart ran faster as I realized how close he was to me. He knelt on one knee and used the table to support himself. How did I not notice him when he entered? 🤔

"What are you doing?" He asked again.

"Uh... Nothing.. I-I was just looking for you"


"Exactly. Why? So I guess I'll just leave"

" Sit" he said as he pushed me to his chair and placed his hands on the armrests, trapping me in.

"Fine, I came cause I was bored" he looked like he didn't believe me "really" I tried to assure him.



"I guess this is the best time to tell you. You're going somewhere with me tomorrow. You won't want anyone to come so bri'll be here tomorrow to help you get ready" he said changing the topic

" Where are we going?"I asked. It's not normal for him to say this.

" That's for me to know"

" Is it important and how important is it, cause I have somewhere to be tomorrow. I can't miss it for anything" I really can't, for mum.

" I'm not asking if you want to be there, I'm telling you to be there. Don't you think a lot of rumors will arise if I don't show up there with my wife. You wouldn't like that right?" I hate the authoritative tone he uses when he speaks to me sometimes.

I tried to say something but he interrupted
"Goodnight wifey" he said, and left.

I hate it all. Especially the fact that even in this situation that nickname still gives me goosebumps. I guess I have no choice. This better be worth it, considering where I'm supposed to be tomorrow.

The next day

😔 Sigh. Today's mum's birthday and normally, I would go to her grave with her parents. Apparently, not this year. Again, this better be worth it.

I called my grandparents to cancel yesterday and they said they understood. I still feel bad for cancelling our plans but I have to do this.

If I were to pick, it would definitely be my mum. Unfortunately, I don't have much of a choice. Hopefully, this ends quick.

"All done" Bri said as she put the finishing touches on my makeup.
"You look like a queen. I did a great job" she said as she patted herself on the back.

I looked into the mirror and found an entirely different person staring at me. She did an amazing job.

I still didn't know where we were going so I asked Bri
"Uh.. Bri. First of all. Wow" I said as I looked back into the mirror "also, where am I going with him?"

"Oh that, it's just an event at his company. You only have to be there cause it's the first one since you both got married"

"Oh. Is that it?" I said nodding to myself. I really do not want to be there.

"Leo's waiting downstairs. You should go. I'll clean this mess up"

"Thanks Bri. Honestly, I love it"

"Of course you do" I gave her a light smile before exiting the room.

I've been trying to get to her all day. She still isn't picking my calls. I hope she calls back though. She's missing our daily calls 😥😢😭

In the main time, while I'm not talking to Tara, I'm here with Leo. The silence is deafening, but none of us is willing to speak. I'm mad that I can't see my mum and he's doing this to prevent rumors.
I give no damn about rumors. He would know that if he had listened to me yesterday.

"We're almost there" he said, breaking the silence.

"Oh" was the only thing I could utter.

We got there after a while. I know that cause the lights are blinding.

I could feel my phone vibrating.


"Hey Tara, why haven't you been picking. Is it cause of your promotion? Ok you've never been this serious with work. You don't even have time for your bestie" I said loudly. Leo wasn't in the car. He seemed to be on a phone call as well.

"Mira" Tara said as she sniffed.

"Tara? What's wrong"

"I'm being transferred" what a way to start the big event. I could feel a knot forming in my throat as I tried to keep the tears from falling.

"What do you mean?"

"I'm leaving Mira. I found out a little after your wedding. I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I didn't know how"

"Yo-you can't could they. Where are you I'm coming to see you now" I didn't know how to react.

"No-no! You can't!stay where you are. I left already" she doesn't sound alright "I'm about to board the plane now. Mira, please don't cry to much. Okay"

"Me, no" I said as my voice broke "I'm just stuck here wondering when you became so devoted to work" I faked a smile even if she couldn't see me. It helped me believe I was alright.

"Love you Mira. Never miss the daily calls. It's like our tradition"

"Love you Tara. You better not miss the daily calls. Or else" I said before ending the phone call. I tried not to let the tears slip. As much as I wanted to cry, I couldn't.

A knock on the window brought me back to reality. I unlocked the door and Leo offered me his hand, which I politely took in mine. He seemed to have noticed the hint of sadness in my eyes as he asked,

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, let's just get this over with" I said in annoyance.

One of the longest chapters I've written so far..I feel proud of myself.

FF: I hated writing stories before I met this book in a little place called my imagination. I would have loved to take y'all there but only I'm allowed ☺️😢

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Love, skai_os

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