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Shayla: This is ridiculous

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Shayla: This is ridiculous. Why are there no tire marks? Did someone mess with the crime scene?

Renjun: It rained last night.

Shayla: So they washed away?

He nodded and the female looked down the cliff, seeing a completely wrecked car at the bottom.

Shayla: How long did the police take to come?

Renjun: They were notified by a passer by who stopped here to smoke.

Shayla sighed. 

Renjun: Estimated, two hours after the crash. Its been four hours since the bodies were taken out.

Shayla: And in the video footage we saw Taeyong's car crash into this. 

Renjun nodded and Shayla found herself poking her inner cheek with her tongue. As she walked closer to the edge, she became aware of the slippery soil. 

Shayla: Why was i given an open and shut case?


Taeyong: How's the gang?

Sicheng was at the police station, using the visiting hour to see the leader. He held the conversing phone close to his ear as they talked.

Sicheng: The gang is moving on... but hyung i have no update on you. Is there nothing you can tell me?

Taeyong looked back, making cautious eye contact with the guard before looking back at Sicheng.

Taeyong: No. Not here, i can't.

Sicheng sighed in disappointment.

Taeyong: You must get me out of here.

Sicheng: How will I, when I know nothing?

Taeyong: Sicheng... Bu-

Guard: Time up. Come on.

Taeyong was pulled away and Sicheng leaned back in his seat, defeated. How was he supposed to get any information out. And why couldn't Taeyong just tell him. Did he actually do something wrong?

Sicheng... i didn't do anything alright.

Sicheng decided to trust his leader. He stood up from the seat going to the lobby of the police station to leave. But he bumped into someone who apologized immediately.

Though his eyes followed the brunette who walked up to the front desk with a sigh.

???: The gang leader case is stupid. Its a closed case, i don't know why they made me investigate it.

Sicheng's ears picked up the words easily as she was pretty loud. Sicheng turned to them, now invested. He even took notice the front desk officer's Id.

Seomhi: I know... just suck it in, you will get a proper case eventually.

???: Hm, i hope. I will be in my cabin.

Seomhi: Alright.

Sicheng's feet moved on their own to follow her, but the officer, Seomhi stopped him first. She had stepped out of her post at the desk and Sicheng saw the chance, so he took it.

Seomhi: Excuse me sir, you can't go in just like that.

Sicheng: Oh um... aright i will leave then. 

She nodded turning to go back to her desk. With Seomhi's back now towards him, he turned the other way. But not to the exit. Instead he head to the detective's cabin.

 Instead he head to the detective's cabin

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