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Sicheng: get up!

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Sicheng: get up!

Shayla flinched in her seat before sitting up. 

Shayla: We reached. 

Sicheng: No shit sherlock. You are such a deep sleeper.

Shayla: Tsk... coming or will you stay here?

Sicheng: I will come along.

Shayla: Alright. But you will say nothing, got it?

Sicheng: Fine.

He said with an added eye roll, before leaving the car first. Shayla got down right after, looking up at the cooperate building. 

Sicheng: He worked a desk job? How boring...

Shayla: Just come on. 

She walked in first with Sicheng close behind her. 


Sicheng had no idea what Shayla was going to get from visiting his workplace. But as they got into a lift with the receptionist Sicheng noticed some other men in the elevator. 

They stared at Shayla's appearance. At first Sicheng thought that it was a dirty look until he saw their frowns. He looked over at Shayla and saw that her hair was a complete mess. 

Sicheng: Shayla, your hair is a complete mess.

He called out to her in Chinese and saw the female frantically try to fix it. She did look like a mess. But Sicheng didn't mind really.


Shayla and Sicheng were led to Doksu's manager who greeted the two in his cabin. 

Shayla: Hello Mr. Min. We are detectives working on Doksu's case.

Manager: How can i help you detectives?

Shayla could feel Sicheng's eyes on her for introducing him as a detective. But she had to, just for the cover. 

Shayla: How was Doksu in the office? Did he have any feud's or questionable behaviour?

Manager: Hm... no. Doksu was a very hard working employee, barely taking any leaves. He was good with the co-workers too. Everyone liked him. He has been the employee of the month twice as well.

Shayla: Oh... was there anyone who showed any distaste to him? 

Manager: No. Not that i know or remember of. 

Shayla: Alright. Thank you. Also didn't Inhye work here as well?

Manager: Inhye? Yeah she was a janitor. 

Shayla: A janitor?

Manager: Yeah. Doksu and Inhye's love story was a topic of heat in the office. 

Shayla: I see... i know this might seem off, but was there any employee that was not happy with the two together?

Manager: Uh...

He thought for a bit before nodding. 

Manager: Oh right. Ms. Park Juli. She was close friends with Doksu and she was not happy with Inhye and Doksu at all.

Shayla: Oh, okay thank you. Can you just call her here so i can have a talk with her?

Manager: For sure.

He stepped out leaving the two in the office.

Sicheng: Why are we interrogating this Juli?

Shayla: We are only checking if she has a good enough reason to kill Doksu and Inhye.

Soon a woman came back. 

Shayla: Park Juli?

Juli: Yes. But...

She ran a scan on the other two before sighing.

Juli: Who are you?

Shayla: I am a detective working on Go Doksu and Yang Inhye's case.

Juli: Oh... well... why am i being questioned?

Shayla made eye contact with Sicheng who seemed to catch up on the girl's off mood.

Shayla: How did you know Doksu?

Juli: Doksu and me were childhood friends. 

Shayla: And you were not happy with him being with Inhye?

Juli: You don't think i killed him do you?

She added with a scoff.

Shayla: Ma'am, it would be better if you just answered the questions directly. This has to be done orderly.

Juli was quiet for another minute before relaxing her rather tense muscles and groaning.

Juli: No. Only because i liked him. Doesn't mean that i will kill both of them. Inhye maybe. But Doksu, i wouldn't hurt that angel.

Shayla: Why were you so against them?

Juli: Like i said. I liked him. A lot. And also Inhye was a bitch. 

Entered the list of suspects.

Entered the list of suspects

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