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    Cheng Shenmo walked to the stalls where embroidery threads of various colors were hung, paid a copper coin, and bought back four thick red ropes.

    "Your flute ear fell off, I'll make another one for you."

    Cheng Shenmo pointed to the tiger brace at his waist, and connected it with a red wishful knot.

    "When I was a doctor, my master made it for me. I'll make it for you with a jade dragon ring pendant."

    His fingers fluttered, and a red string was quickly woven into a clover-shaped knot.

    Yu Anqing said: "Word sorrel knot."

    "You know?" Cheng Shenmo was a little surprised, Yu Anqing looked like a nobleman whose fingers didn't stick to mud, he didn't expect to know traditional knots.

    Yu Anqing smiled: "My mother is Xiu Niang, so I naturally understand a little bit."

    Cheng Shenmo saw that Yu Anqing's expression was normal, and he didn't show any inferiority complex towards his mother's humble status.

    An Qing is indeed a little angel. Being bullied and discriminated against, he can still maintain a strong and kind character.

    "Sorrel, a common weed in the field, has three tender green round leaves and purple or yellow flowers. Because it has a small amount of toxicity, cattle and sheep will be poisoned and die if they eat too much, so in the eyes of farmers , is a useless weed.

    In the eyes of doctors, it has become a treasure. It has good medicinal value, reducing swelling and blood stasis, invigorating the stomach and relieving cough. In the eyes of craftsmen, it can be used to polish mirrors, polish bronze utensils, and increase gloss. And embroiderers know that four sorrel knots can make a wishful knot."

    Cheng Shenmo weaved four sorrel knots into a complete red wishful knot, stringed it with jade dragon charms, and hung it on Yu Anqing's flute again. .

    "Everything goes well." Cheng Shenmo said.

    Yu Anqing caressed the wishful knot with his fingers, his heart was pounding, and the little rabbit ran into his heart, beating non-stop.

    His knot is tied to the jade flute, and the rabbit's knot is tied to the medicine bell, making them a pair of wishful wishes, which has a different kind of romance.

    On the next day, during Taizu's birthday festival, all the officials gathered in the Yingdian Hall, and the emperor had wine and entertained his courtiers.

    A colorful building is built in front of the hall, where dancers and musicians perform.

    The emperor toasted nine cups of imperial wine, and for each toast, rare dishes were served in turn, and the performances of the band and dance team were different.

    After the nine rounds of wine, the officials put on the hairpin flowers bestowed by the emperor and went home, and the emperor also drove back to the palace to rest. The vacation officially begins, a total of five days.

    Yu Anqing not only had to play, but also was in charge of coordinating the music. She had been busy for half a day, she was exhausted, and was about to leave the palace.

    The chief eunuch Qing Zhi stopped him: "Master Yu, the emperor invites you to go to the inner hall to have a talk."

    Qing Zhi kept talking all the way: "My lord, you don't know, this summer is extremely hot, floods in the south, drought in the north, natural disasters It is more frequent than in previous years. Your Majesty summoned the Prime Minister and the officials of the six ministries to discuss matters all night long. How can the imperial body bear it? His Highness the Crown Prince has repeatedly advised you, but His Majesty will not listen. Only you can say that His Majesty can listen to a few words... ..."

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