I Give Medusa A Haircut

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(Y/N)'s POV

It was moments like this that I regretted doing some of the stuff that comes into my head, here I was, charging at a Gorgon with my eyes closed while my friend tried to clobber her with a tree branch.

To be fair, it worked a lot better than I thought it would, as my dagger hit Medusa in the shoulder from my blind throw, her torso was rocked forward, meaning Grover was able to clock her under the chin with the tree branch, knocking her off her feet.

"Hey, guys!" Grover yelled somewhere above me. "I think she's unconscious!" With this knowledge I skidded to a halt at her side while she was downed, thrusting down with my sword. I hit something, but I didn't get the satisfying noise of a displaced monster.

Instead, I got an angry "Roooaaarrr!" which told me I had missed Medusa's head and instead probably given her a haircut as she rolled away. "Maybe not," Grover corrected a bit too late.

I had an idea, "Grover, keep your eyes closed!" I said, dropping to my knees and feeling along the floor quickly. I found what I was looking for, a snake head, keeping it in hand, I stood up. Brandishing the severed reptile at Medusa.

It didn't do what I hoped, "So it's not the snakes that petrify then? That part's always a little iffy in your story" I chuckled nervously as Medusa turned to me, utterly enraged at the insult of killing one of her snakes and showing it to her.

With a hideous roar Medusa delivered a swift uppercut to my gut as I panicked and backed up. I got airtime, I was launched a couple of yards backwards, my body impacting and toppling over the stone bench that she had us pose on earlier.

It was impossible not to open my eyes at the impact, if Grover hadn't gone in for another pass with the tree branch and made Medusa turn her back to me, I'd be joining the stock in her emporium.

I forced my eyes shut, but I was too late, the charm was up, I was as blind as anyone else right now, and unfortunately for me, my nose wasn't as good as Grover's. "Where's the Harpe when you need it" I thought as I held my ribs.

I felt like I was just kicked by a mule on steroids. I think that was karma for making fun of Pan. As I tried to catch my breath I was counting down the seconds before my sight kicked back in. A few more seconds and I'd be able to help.

It was then another jolt ran up my neck and I heard it, hissing, she was stepping over to me, "Such a pretty one for my collection!" she hissed, knocking Grover to one side, and getting closer to me.

Even when I couldn't see her, I could feel it, she was closing in, towering over me as I lay splayed out near the bench, I swung my sword blindly trying to keep her at bay, but her talons knocked it aside and all I could do was wait blindly for her to attack and accept my fate.

A silky-smooth voice found itself in the back of my head, "Strike straight up (Y/N). Now!" Normally, having this voice in my head would have set me off, but right now, I was in no position to argue. "It will buy you time." It spoke.

I almost ignored it out of pure spite, I was so used to doing the exact opposite of its instruction, but I did as it said, just this once. Grabbing my sword with two hands and desperately swinging upward, I was met with nothing, no impact, no resistance.

For a second I thought it was a mistake, that I should have ignored it again, that following its instruction would get me killed and this was a ploy by the gods, but I heard a cry of discomfort that ended with another hiss.

As the voice faded away into the shadows, my sight returned to me through closed eyes, I saw the swirling mass of the monster clasping her face in discomfort. It seems that even in near pitch blackness, the gleam from my sword had blinded her for a split second.

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