I Get Outpaced By A Relic

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Percy's POV

Zoe was finally done with her apologies, despite us all telling her a thousand times it wasn't necessary, "Yeah, not a day goes by that I don't want to slap these morons, I'm just jealous you beat me to it." Thalia joked.

After that was out of the way, we all waited for (Y/N) to finish his story, and told him what we had seen, only one part of our story stood out to him though, "You thought I was my dad? Gross..." But we had several questions regarding his story.

"Wait, so you just took a nap?" I asked, trying not to laugh, this was ridiculous. He nodded, "There is no way you just took a nap." Annabeth agreed with me but was more focused on another part of (Y/N)'s story.

"Wait, hold up, let me make sure I didn't mishear. You almost SHOT YOURSELF!" Annabeth said in both confusion and disappointment. (Y/N) nodded like this was a regular occurrence, "Yeah, there was a really good reason behind it if you know the context."

"Care to elaborate?" Thalia smirked as Zoe just sat there looking very worried for all of us, "No, not really, we have more important stuff to do." he pointed to the skies and  we all followed his gaze and saw a few figures appear in the distance.

I had to squint to peer through the darkness, but I made out a familiar figure, flanked by two similar ones, the smile on my face grew as I confirmed who had come to give us a ride to Olympus. But some people weren't as enthusiastic.

"Only three...perhaps my lady no longer thinks me worthy..." Zoe muttered under her breath, a sadness clear in her tone. She stared at the ground beneath us in contemplation, "Oh don't be such a baby." (Y/N) said, completely cutting through the moment.

She looked up at him and frowned, he sighed, "Stop pouting. You do realise they can carry two people right, or if you really wanted to show off, you could always ride in style." He pointed behind us, to Artemis's chariot.

I was shocked to see that it was still here, it had shrunk down to half it's original size and would barely fit three people, but the reindeers stood proudly, waiting for instruction. "Now in my opinion, that's how you should roll up to Olympus."

"Go big or go home." I encouraged. "Exactly, I can't think of a better way to tell Olympus, 'yeah I'm here, deal with it' then rocking up to the solstice in that thing, declaring to everyone who you are."

Zoe looked appalled. "No one but my lady can drive her chariot, to do so would be a grave mistake." (Y/N) rolled his eyes at her, "Then why is it still here genius?" "It is a remnant of my lady's power, she shall return to it when she needs it."

"Or...you could return it to her now and save her the trouble." Thalia reasoned, Zoe stomped her foot, "Do not be ridiculous. I could not even control the beasts without my powers as a huntress! The point is moot."

"You sure about that?" (Y/N) said, pushing her towards the reindeers, who bowed their heads at her approach. "Congratulations Zoe, you're still worthy, you have Artemis's blood now remember?"

He elbowed her in the side, and smirked saying, "I just hope you drive a chariot better then you drive a car-" She punched him in the shoulder and he rubbed it in pain, "I have been riding chariots for longer then cars have been around boy, I would put thee to shame."

She turned her nose up at him and he countered with, "Good, because you can't drive stick to save your life. I would know." He scoffed, "It is not my ability that worries me so, rather my worth." She explained.

Annabeth thought about it and came to a conclusion, "She knew you would do this, that's why she left it here, she sent us our ride, and entrusted hers to you, see, Artemis knows you're worthy, now we just have to convince the rest of Olympus. She really is amazing."

Percy Jackson Series. Annabeth Chase X Male Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now