I Realise How Weird My Family Is

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(Y/N)'s POV

I collapsed to my knees once we reached our destination, all I heard was a giggle and Eris was gone. She might have been the easiest of the gods on my side of the war to summon, but I really had to stop relying on the whims of Eris.

She was about as fickle as they come and always took enjoyment out of taking things too far. She liked the idea of all of this failing just as much as she liked the chaos of war, she was like a child that had her cake and still got to eat it too.

As long as it was fun for her she didn't really care about this war or any of it's combatants, me especially, she would just as easily left me there to die if it was a more interesting form of chaos for her, and the promise of future chaos wouldn't keep her satiated forever.

I gasped for air and almost broke down crying. That was too close. My blood was running cold, I was exhausted. Summoning spirits was never easy for me, it was a power I rarely used and it took a lot of energy.

Nyx had kindly explained to me that by not using it, I was in fact limiting my abilities, which meant I needed more practise before I could confront the gods. So I needed to use it more.

Still, fifteen spirits, each of them more than a thousand years old, that was all I had in me, that was why I had to make a tactical withdrawal, the older a spirit gets, the less of a connection it has to the world, and the harder it is to summon.

Not to mention the fact that the older a spirit was the stronger it became, so the more resistance it put up. I used to think summoning Terry was tough, and he wasn't even that old in the grand scheme of things.

If I hadn't had my family's guidance for all this time, I wouldn't have managed even one of those spirits. But I wasn't complaining, anything weaker and I'd be stuffed and mounted in Artemis's tent by now.

I sat down and took a breather, it felt like five minutes, but it could have been hours, time moves weird down here sometimes. My mind was racing with having to change my plans, concerns crept into the forefront to my mind.

Annabeth had been taken by the manticore, probably to Luke. I had to intercept them before they reached him, and now Olympus would know of some of my abilities, and how I had been hiding from them as soon as Artemis reported back.

And to top it all off we had the Di Angelo's now in the hands of either Artemis herself, or at camp with Chiron, which meant that Hades had no real incentive to keep our positions in Tartarus hidden. He would squeal to his brother soon.

I know they would be reluctant to come down here especially with Kronos on the rise, but I wouldn't be surprised if thunderbolts started knocking on the palace doors someday soon.

This was all getting too much for me, I was smart, and I was strong, but I felt like I had been jumping through hoops to avoid a full-on war, and if I messed up even once that was it, I was dead.

I had been planning to deal with the Olympians for months, I thought that would give me enough of an edge and an understanding of their abilities. I thought that would mean that facing them wouldn't have been so terrifying, but facing Artemis, I knew I was wrong.

Facing them before in Olympus had been frightening sure, but I was numbed by the loss of my mother and still on a sort of high from Zeus's power so it hadn't set in just how strong every Olympian really was, I was beginning to doubt whether I could do this.

I may have fallen asleep, I may have not, it was hard to tell in this place, but my eyes always felt wide open, and I always felt like that arrow was right there, in front of me, threatening to deliver the final blow, and there was nothing I could do to stop it.

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