We Get Our Orders

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(Y/N)'s POV

I fully expected to be punched in the face. I had imagined that Percy would be the one to do it, and was almost embracing the certainty of the impact when what happened came into fruition. And I was as shocked as they were.

I had been faux dead for a very long time, even when I finally did kick the bucket, so I had never experienced the typical thing of your life flashing before your eyes. Until now. As I looked on at the angry faces of my closest friends. Who looked ready to murder me for real.

There wasn't many smiling faces, it was mostly shock and disbelief, Rachel clapped her hands over her mouth, everyone else just looked at me like I had three torsos. There was a tenseness in the air that I almost didn't want to break.

It was Tyson who broke the tension, with tears welling up in his eyes he scooped me up into a hug and sobbed about me not being dead, and something about marshmallows that was hard to catch because of the tears, then he turned to Percy, telling him that the prank he had pulled wasn't very nice. All while squeezing the ribs right out of my chest.

With that, like a bubble being burst, the tension between us all was gone and it was hugs all round, no kisses though, much to my dismay, I smirked at Annabeth, who was trying to glare at me but had a little smile on her face.

But again, that was overshadowed by Grover, who rushed up to me, grabbing me by the shoulders desperately, looking between me and Nico hopefully, I knew what was coming, not that it meant it was any easier to hear the desperation in his voice.

"Bring him back, you can do it right, you and Nico together, you could bring Pan back and then we can take him to-" "No." I said and I had to watch his mouth quiver as I explained, "He's not dead Grover...He's...he's gone..."

I shook my head, "There's nothing anyone can do for him now, except abide by his wishes. Either he's spread so thin he's barely here anymore or he's passed on to something else, maybe the Isle. I'm not too sure."

"Even if I could bring him back, I wouldn't." Nico said, and I nodded in agreement. Grover looked at us, horrified by our decision, "But we need him to save the wild, that's...that's...evil." He said, clearly too shocked by the death of his lifelong hero to think straight.

"No, it's not. It's a kindness. You heard him Grover, he was old, he was tired, he was suffering. I'm not bringing him back to that just so he can speak at a trial and tell the satyrs to hug some trees. It was just his time. And I don't think I can regardless."

"But, that's not...I'm not..." He trailed off, "I've been searching for him all my life, so has every Satyr for thousands of years." He said dejectedly, "I can't give up so easily!" He insisted, tears brimming his eyes, "You haven't given up Grover, you've succeeded."

"WELL THEN I DON'T WANT TO SUCCEED!" He bellowed. Falling to his knees, I went to comfort him, but Annabeth stopped me, telling me he needed time to process and demanding to know what happened to me.

"How did you find us?" Percy asked, I got Tyson to turn around so I could show them the symbol that I had placed on him as we hugged, explaining that Grover had one too, "The mark of Orpheus" Nico said, "But that's meant to mark entrances to the underworld."

I nodded, "It's multipurpose." I smiled, and he walked up to me, I extended my arms for a hug, I had missed Nico, even though it wasn't for long, but as I had my arms extended for the hug, I was punched in the teeth.

"Yep there it is." I thought as I fell on my butt. Rubbing my mouth, "Punching still isn't your thing kid." I said, looking up at Nico, who had tears in his eyes. "You shouldn't have intervened." He said, I nodded, "Roger that, next time you nearly get killed like an idiot, I'll leave you be."

Percy Jackson Series. Annabeth Chase X Male Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now