Chapter 16: Safety without you is fleeting

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As if time slowed, Kai witnessed the colossal nightmare, the behemoth, slam heavily onto the already compromised bridge. Its grotesque face smashed into the concrete, an earthquake of force rippling through the structure. The bridge surrendered under the onslaught, disintegrating rapidly beneath the creature's monstrous weight.

"Dad, RUN!" Kai's plea echoed hauntingly, piercing the cacophony of chaos. But Peter, his face a mask of grim determination and fatigue, was locked in position. His gaze connected with Kai's, a poignant moment of silent communication passing between them, before the earth beneath him gave way. Peter vanished into the churning river below, swallowed by the cold, unforgiving waters.

"PETERRR!" Anne's voice, raw with desperation, tore through the chaotic symphony. Her fingers dug into Kai's arm, her grip white-knuckled and unyielding. Together, they stared helplessly as the roiling river swept their beloved Peter away, disappearing amidst the collapsing bridge's debris.

On the other side of the river, an ominous gathering had begun. Drawn by the explosive spectacle, an unsettling horde of the undead lurched towards the precipice, their grotesque figures staggering in the eerie half-light. The sight was a nightmare come to life - their sheer numbers, an inescapable reality.

"Kai, we have to leave. Now!" Anne's voice wavered, but a resolute edge cut through her fear. Her grip on Kai's arm tightened, a silent plea for urgency. "They're amassing... If your father survived, he'll know where we're heading. If... if not," her voice faltered, choking on the unspoken possibility. "We made a vow. To survive, to not look back. We must keep going."

Numbness spread through Kai, his mother's words hitting him like a physical blow. But he swallowed hard, pushing back the tears that threatened to spill. He nodded, his heart aching, but his resolve hardened. Survival - that was their sole mission now. Casting one last, lingering look at the chaos unfolding behind them, they squared their shoulders and made their way towards the sanctuary they hoped the casino would provide.

The backdrop of their departure from the collapsed bridge was a haunting symphony of devastation. It was a stark contrast to the silence that enveloped them as they tread towards the looming Encore Casino.

Anne glanced at Kai, his youthful face marred by the harsh reality they were facing. His eyes, usually bright with curiosity, were now clouded with a profound sadness. It reflected her own heartache, the sorrow of losing Peter, the love of her life.

"Kai," she began, her voice barely a whisper, "I know your heart is heavy. Mine is too. Your father... Peter, he was a remarkable man."

Kai blinked, his gaze meeting his mother's. His lips pressed into a thin line as he nodded, struggling to find the right words. "I... I miss him already, Mom."

Anne nodded, reaching out to squeeze his hand, a silent acknowledgment of their shared grief. "So do I, sweetheart. So do I."

They continued walking in silence, their footsteps echoing in the deserted street. After a few moments, Kai broke the silence. "He didn't have to do that, did he? He didn't have to face that behemoth alone."

Anne sighed, her gaze steady on the path ahead. "Your father was a brave man, Kai. He believed in protecting those he loved, at all costs. You know that."

Kai nodded, silent tears trailing down his cheeks. "I know. But... it's just not fair. We were supposed to survive this together."

Anne stopped, pulling Kai into a tight embrace. She could feel his body shaking with suppressed sobs. "Life rarely is, sweetheart," she murmured, her own tears soaking the collar of his shirt. "But we have to keep going. For him. For us."

Pulling away, Kai wiped his tears with the back of his hand. His jaw clenched, determination shining in his eyes. "You're right, Mom. Dad wouldn't want us to give up. We have to survive. We will survive."

With a shared nod of resolve, mother and son resumed their journey towards the Encore Casino, each step a testament to their unyielding will to survive, and a silent tribute to the man who had sacrificed his life for theirs.

As they treaded further into their journey, Anne broke the silence again, this time with a more contemplative tone. "You know, I've been thinking about how this all started. It's... it's hard to believe it's real."

Kai glanced at his mother, his curiosity piqued. "What do you think happened?"

Anne let out a soft sigh, "Well, as an IT technician, my mind keeps going back to some sort of system failure. Perhaps a virus in a biological research lab that managed to escape containment. Or maybe it's a result of some rogue AI experiment that spiraled out of control. It could even be a cybernetic malfunction that caused humans to turn into these... Z's."

Kai considered her words and then chuckled softly, "You're thinking too logically, Mom. This could be something straight out of a video game. Like, there was some ancient artifact that got disturbed and released a plague. Or maybe a powerful wizard cursed humanity. Or it's the fallout of an epic battle between celestial beings."

Anne laughed at his ideas, a sound that felt strange and relieving in the midst of their ordeal. "I think your gaming is showing, Kai."

He shrugged, "Maybe. But it's just as likely as any other theory. Until someone figures it out, anything's possible."

Their banter lightened the heavy atmosphere, providing a momentary distraction from the reality of their situation. It wasn't much, but it was a reminder of their bond and their shared resolve to survive.

As they rounded a corner, the Encore Casino came into full view. Despite the chaos and destruction surrounding it, the building stood tall and unscathed. It looked like an oasis amidst a desert of devastation, a beacon of hope in their hopeless world.

"Well," Anne said, her voice filled with a mix of relief and trepidation, "we're here."

Kai nodded, his grip on his bokken tightening. "Let's hope this place is as safe as Dad thought it would be."

With that, they made their way towards the entrance, ready to face whatever awaited them inside the Encore Casino.

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