omegas savior

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Please for the love of titan just. Run.

White-lavender-auburn paws land on the ground just as so as they lift up. How'd she get in this situation again? Oh right, her stupid fucking heat hit her. And now, at least 5 alphas were casing her through the forest. Amity just wanted to have a nice night at the pond but of course her heat came in while some alphas decided to go on a walk. Amity slipped on a puddle of mud, yelping as she fell over a large root. Her head was dizzy as she raised it, looking around for something to hide herself. As the agonizing few seconds went by, her blurred vision spotted something she could hide with. There, a large tree, It's roots reaching around in every direction but more importantly, there was mud at the bottom. Her pounding head had the thought to cover herself in mud, hopefully covering her scent. She scurried under the roots and rolled in the mud, accompanied by little whimpers of pain. Once she felt the guppy substance on her fur, the omega pressed herself into the floor as much as possible. Amity prayed to the titan that her scent was covered and the alphas will pass her by. Somehow pass her by. 'please,' she prayed, 'please titan have mercy.' The omega was shaking, ears pinned back, especially when a loud, irritated growl ripped from the forest. Right on the other side of her. Shit.

Just what she needed. Another threat to her life. Amity hoped that whatever made that growl didn't smell her. Bright golden eyes, now filled with fear, darted across the opening she was in, pressing herself closer to the muddy floor. Fluffy ears picked up on the sound of twigs being crushed like bone. Loud thumps shook the ground, Amity had to dig her claws into the ground. The source of the growl finally showed itself, stepping out slowly. First, came its paw. A massive brown-black paw. Then, came the rest of the body. The alpha was dark brown-black fur with hints of dark purple on the back. Automaticly, Amity knew it was an alpha. 'fuck, that alpha's big.' The wolf lifted its head as if it was... smelling... something. It's massive head snapped towards Amity. She thought she knew fear before, no, this is a whole new level. Amity couldn't tell what color it's eyes were, all she knew was that they were extremely dark. The wolf started taking small steps towards the omega, as if it was trying to to scare her, lowering its head as if she wasn't a threat.

'Like it isn't.' She thought fearfully, the incoming sounds of the alphas casing her becoming clearer. 'It's more of a threat then the other ones.' Amity scooted back until her rear hit the other side of the roots. The brown wolf reached her and crouched down to get a better look at the girl. "Hey... are you ok?" It- no, she- asked with a surprisingly soft tone. Amity whimpered softly, she sounded so... caring and nice. "Not really..." she answered in a whisper.

The she-wolf's eyes widened in surprise, as if she didn't expect her to talk. "Guys, I think I found her scent!" Shouted a male. The small omega scooted away from the voice in fear, her shaking never coming to an end. The nice alpha seemed to notice this and said, "Don't worry, I'll protect you, plus, I've hunting these guys. Some alphas just can't pick up on other's scents." She growled. 'this... this is her territory...' Amity came to realize. The young omega's mind swirled with questions, had the alpha picked up on her heat? She must of if she could smell the intruding alpha's scents. The female alpha stood up, her head facing the sound of rustling leaves. The girl growled, loud and possessive. Oh boy did that turn her on. 'Was she possessive of me or her territory?' Amity secretly hoped it was her that the girl was possessive of. Her omega wanted to be the one the large and powerful alpha was possessive of. So that every other alpha knows she belongs to an alpha that could easily snap the necks of any contester- no. No, no no. This was her heat talking. Her heat was causing these scary thoughts.

But over all, fear overwhelmed her arousal. The 5 alphas soon arrived to the duo, a couple cowering due to the intimidating she wolf towering over even the biggest. The largest alpha, who was no where near as big as the opposing alpha, stood up proud and strong, arrogantly. "Who the fuck are you?" He snarled. A rumble rippled through the titan of a wolf, causing shivers to go down many of their spines, but the largest one remained how he was."I should be the one asking you that pal." The brown wolf snarled back, although it seemed more calm. He huffed, irritated. "We're just looking for a little bitch in heat. Have you seen our little omega?" He said grossly. Amity whimpered. Out of the corner of her eye, the girl must of noticed. All of them did. "Ah... that's where you went little one." He chuckled darkly. The she wolf snarled loudly, stepping in front of the roots that separated the omega from the alphas. Amity scooted closer to the towering alpha, seeking protection, almost. Was she protecting her? That made Amity's heart miss a beat at the thought of the seemingly nice alpha protecting her with only knowing her for less then 2 minutes. "Why don't you give her to us and we'll get of your territory, ok?" He suggested. Clearly, the wolf didn't appreciate the offer, releasing the most powerful scent amity had ever smelt, whining with both arousal and fear. "Not. A. Fucking. Chance." The brown wolf snarled. The area filled up with an angry, protective vanilla, cinnamon and some sort of whiskey scent.

Now that turned her on the most. 3 out of the 5 alphas cowered away, the threat clearly working on them. The largest wolf looked back at the retreating wolves, eyes filled with anger. "Oscar, can we go now?" Asked the last wolf, her voice quivering a bit. "She's not worth it." She tried to reason. Oscar snarled, stupidly not back down. "No, that is our omega and we will be taking her back with us. She belongs to our pack." He growled at the large alpha. "Are you giving me orders on my territory?" She glared, baring her canines.

They were huge. Amity could see the moonlight shine on them, and it must of intimated the other two due to the fact the male was backing off. She felt her fur get a bit wetter, definitely not the mud. He growled, "Fine, I hope she bites your dick off." The alpha snarled. That's when she was done with their bullshit, The brown wolf practically roared. That got the two alphas to scurry off, whimpering and yelping. The brown wolf relaxed, her ruffled fur smoothing over. She sighed, turning over to Amity. "Are you ok?" She asked in a lot softer tone then before. How can she change her voice so fast? The omega nodded, not fully looking at the large wolf. "Can I get your name cariño?" She asked after a second. Amity didn't know what they word 'cariño' meant, but she thought it meant something nice. "A-Amity..." she stuttered, inching her body closer. The alpha chuckled softly, moving closer to her. "Well, I'm Luz. Luz clawthorne." She stated proudly. Her mind took a couple minutes to process Luz's words. "Wait, as in the Luz clawthorne? Alpha of owlcreek pack?" She asked surprised. "Um... yes?" Luz answered with a slight chuckle, shifting on her paws, although it was more of a question.

"You-your the one who took down the alpha of the emperors coven pack, r-right?" Amity stuttered softly. "Ye-yeah, do you mean that in a bad or good way?" Luz seem to get nervous. Amity nodded, somewhat amused at the alpha. "Imma take that in a good way." Luz chuckled. "But, are you ok?" She asked, sounding concerned. "Y-yeah..." the shy omega answered. 'Why hasn't she responded to my heat? How is she controlling herself so well?'

The large wolf looked around, trying to find something to say. "Um... would it make you feel better if I show you my human form?" Luz asked. Amity's head popped up at the suggestion. Her golden eyes bore into the alpha's, she could now see that they were chocolate color, but they were glossed over and darker then normal.The omega nodded, whining slightly. Luz smile, her canines poking through. Not a second later, the massive wolf disappeared and in its place was a breathtaking alpha.

She was about 6'0, definitely taller then Amity. She had bronze skin with a couple large scars here and there. Her hair was fluffy and looked so soft. Amity wanted to run her hands in the fluffy mess and tangle herself in it. She wore a green army jacket, reaching just short of her mid thigh. She had black sweat pants and a tight sleeveless black shirt. It really showed off her muscles, making the omega's mouth water. Luz had a pair of brown combat boots and brown fingerless gloves. Her left eyebrow had a large scar that went down to the middle of her cheek. Holy titan. Luz was so damn good looking. Her ears fell back as she stifled a whine. Luz clapped her hands together.

"I'm actually quite proud of my look. Been perfecting it for years." She said proudly and chuckling. "Anyways..." her eyes went back to Amity's figure. The alpha crouched down to get to the omega's height. "Wanna come out of there? I promise I'm safe." She added with a grin, pumping out the calming pheromones that instantly calmed her inner omega down but not really herself.'Is she safe? She could just be pretending to make me lower my guard down.' Amity took a couple minutes to consider it. Finally, she nodded. The girl belly crawled out under the roots. As she stood up, she wobbled her way to Luz, just barley reach her hip hight. Damn being short. But as soon as her back right paw hit the ground, she helped and fell forward.  Luckily, Luz caught her before she hit the ground. She whimpered in pain. Luz's eyes were nothing but concern, that made Amity's heart swell. 'A nice and handsome alpha worrying about me.' Her inner omega purred. "Why don't you get in your human from, I can carry you to my pack. If you want."
Luz suggested, leaving the option for her to just walk if she wasn't comfortable riding on Luz's back.

Amity swore her heart would beat out of her chest any moment. The White-lavender-auburn wolf nodded before transforming into her human form. She fell into Luz's arms, callused hands on the thin omega's waist. The first word she heard out of the alphas mouth was;


Word count- 1863

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