pretty girl

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She has been called pretty before. Beautiful, even. But being called pretty by her was different. Mabye it was her heat messing with her but still, Amity wants to be called pretty by Luz more.

But really, she is pretty. The omega had long fluffy lavender hair with auburn roots. Her golden doe eyes were surrounded by little brown freckles on pale skin. She wore a black dress with long sleeves that cover her small hands. The dress was tight enough to show off her curves, something that the alphas liked but she didn't.

Dark magenta leggings were worn under her dress, going into black ankle boots. Her priced pointed ears had little black moon earrings and a black choker was tightly on her neck. The omega's black nails were perfect except for the bit of mud on them.

Luz looked down at the beautiful omega in her arms, snapping out of her daze. "Are you ok?" She asked. "Yeah... My ankle hurts a lot though..." Amity answered in a whisper. "So would you want me to carry you?" The alpha asked timidly. Amity's elf like ears druped down, her face burning up a bit.

She nodded. Luz smiled brightly. "Alright, just get on my back!" She explained excitedly. Amity walked to Luz's back as the alpha crouched down. Amity exhaled, getting on the nice alpha's back. Luz stood up, her back muscles flexing as she did. Amity whined slightly at the sight.

"Don't worry, my pack isn't to far form here." Luz said. "Ok." Amity said, not knowing if Luz heard due to how soft she said it. They started walking when Luz asked, "I bet your wondering how I'm not reacting to your heat, huh?"

So she can smell it! Amity was taken back by the question but nodded, not thinking that Luz wouldn't be able to she her. "Well, I have a lot of omega friends so when we were in school and they hit there heat, I took them to the nurse or the principals office to get them home." Luz explained.

Other omegas? Amity thought jealously. "Oh, ok." The alpha started humming a familiar tune. "You-you also watch Azura?" Amity asked shocked. Luz stopped in her tracks. "You do to!?" Luz practically yelled. It hurt her ear a bit but it made her happy that the alpha alos liked the show. "Y-yeah! I love it! I've also read the books! Although I haven't read 7 yet." She mumbled the last part.

"No way! Me too! I love the series so much! Even if people said it's for kids, I don't care it's just so good!" Luz started walking again. "And how come you haven't read the 7th one yet? It came out 5 months ago! But I could lead you it!"

Amity smiled brightly. "Really? You dont have to but it would be appreciated." She said. The happy scent of villina, cinnamon and lemons overwhelmed the young omega. "Of course! I need someone to talk about the ending or I will explode." She stated, almost sounding serious.

The two spent the rest of the walk talking about the books, Luz trying hard not to tell the omega any spoilers."Oh- we're here." Luz smiled. Amity gasped at the beautiful sight.

Circle houses were in the large purple barked and orange-red leaf trees, all made out what looked like wood and all on different levels of the trees. Brown stairs spiraled around the tick trees. The highest houses connected to the other ones on the other side by walkways.

You could walk on the wide sidewalks that were in front and around the tree houses. At the bottom center were filled up with stalls and little markets, in the center of them was a large fire pit, pitch black indicating that it was recently used. Lots of oak wood tree logs with flatted tops surrounded the fire pit.

At the far end was white-teal-brown-navy building. On the left was another building that was white and dark pale purple roofing that was quite tall. On the other side was a dark purple building with a large clock on front.

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