you're such a gentleman~

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Amity was placed on Luz's back once again. But this time they were going to Luz's house. Luz was babbling about her house and family. Meanwhile, Amity was trying to get her head wrapped around everything."So you have... 3 sisters, 3 brothers, your adoptive mother and parent, and your aunt. Not to mention the house demons and palisman you have." Amity mumbled, mind spinning. "Yep! 10- well, 8- 8 palisman right now, but they'll be ten soon!" The alpha exclaimed, a giant smile plastered on her face. "Oh- we're here!" She smiled. Luz's house was something out of fantasy, towers, curvy and long, colorful and a huge stained window that looked like an owl's eye."Your house is... beautiful." Amity said after a second, a bit awestruck. Happy pheromones came from the alpha. Luz walked to the wooden doors, only for a brown owl tube to come talk to her. Weird.

"Hi luz!" He call out an annoying voice. Luz smiled, sighing. "Hi hooty." She said as if she was used to him. The bird tube, whose name is hooty, started bombarding Luz with questions. Annoying, annoying questions. Amity grimaced, gripping Luz in a vice like grip, and yet, Luz didn't even wince. Questions like, 'how was your nightly walk?' Or, 'do you want to see my bug collection?'or, 'who's that girl?' And, 'did you see that bug!?', 'why do you have an omega with you? You never bring home any omegas!' He would cry out at her, circling the tall alpha with his long snake like body. Very annoying. Amity already didn't like him. She was lucky that her scent was covered or else the annoyed pheromones, that she had never really used before, would be everywhere. Luz chuckled, "enough with the questions man, I got to get her inside." She said, her tone bordering an annoyed one and yet, a fond smile managed to appear on her face."OK!!" Hooty screeched. Amity winced. Stupid bird. She already wanted to strangle his stupid tube body. But that would probably not sit well with Luz so she decided against it. The demon opened the door for them, the omega tried her best not to hiss at him as she passed. "I'm hooomm!-" Luz was cut off by an explosion.

"LUCA WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT!?" yelled a voice. "I DIDNT READ THE INSTRUCTIONS CLEARLY! SHITSHITSHITSHIT!" Yelled another."YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE THE SMART SISTER YOU LITTLE SHIT." Shouted the first one, exploding in a not quite furious but more of a scolding tone of voice. "OOOHH IM SORRY~~ ARE YOU THE SMART ONE NOW OR WHAT!?" One roared back.

Amity felt small. Obviously, these were alphas. Alphas that were fighting. 'They-they aren't going to fight, r-right? Lu-luz would stop then if they did fight. R-right?' She had always had a fear of alphas, that fear becoming even more true due to earlier events.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP BOTH OF YOU." Luz yelled suddenly. The annoyance from the alpha surprised the girl. Silence fell upon the mansion. "Hi luz!" Yelled one, tone completely different."Hey bubba!" The other one called back cheerily.

Luz sighed affectionately. "Those are two of my sisters. They're both older then me." She said affectionately. The alpha started walking forward, Amity took the time to look around the room. "And will get at each others throats no matter how much they love each other." She added, mumbling with an eye roll. On the right side of the living was a large, silky red couch with a wooden coffee table standing in front of it. There were many wall decorations, some were... weird. Like someone's wanted poster and weapons. On the right was a fireplace with a large, golden framed mirror above it. A warm, fuzzy grey-black rug sat in the middle of the room. It looked as if i was fur. It probably was. The walls were painted a pale orange, giving off a nice warm glow. Luz walked under a wood arch that separated to the left, right and straight forward in long, wide hallways, filled with all sort of collections of sorted items. Lots of colorful plants and vases lined the walls.

Luz took a right, walking down the gray hallway. Arguing voices got louder and louder as the progressed closer. Amity clung to Luz, hiding her face in the crook of her neck with a quiet whimper of fear, her mind believing the close proximity of this alpha would protect her more. Eventually, they reached a towering arch that led into the kitchen. "You're such an idiot Luca." A bulky alpha growled. She had the same skin, hair and eyes as Luz but was at least 5 inches taller. She wore a black tank top and black ripped jeans. Her arms were covered in tattoos but the one that caught Amity's eye the most was a purple dragon on her right arm. Her hair was cut short and was shaggy with two front pieces framing her face. She had brown combat boots and a red beanie. The alpha also had the same jacket as Luz but it was tied around her waist. The other alpha was about an inch shorter then the other, which was still a towering hight. Her hair was cut short, into a raggedy pose cut. She was wearing a black and white stripped t-shirt and black jeans covered in dirt and oil stains. She also had the same dragon tattoo but it was around her collarbone. The girl had many small scars around her arms. She also had the same jacket as her sisters but it was flung on her shoulder.

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