such a lovely bonfire

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Luz took Amity to the market place. She said that she'll pay for everything, but Amity didn't really like the idea of Luz spend her money just for her but the alpha remarked that the omega didn't have any money. They walked through the market filled with shiny objects, random items, and.. what is that? Is that a frog in a tree escaping a crocodile painting? Where did they find that?

Amity shook her head in disbelief but continued walking, careful so she doesn't step on anyone with her crutches. "So, have you seen anything you like?" Luz asked. The omega nodded, pointing to a small shop with gem stones. Most like fake but they still looked pretty. "Oooh! I love getting gemstones from there! The stones are so pretty!" The alpha exclaimed.

Amity blushed and smiled shyly. The alpha was so cheerful and funny, and sweet, not to mention good looking. But, she shouldn't feel like this, they've barely known eachother for 2 days.

She cursed the titans name in the back of her head. "Come on! I'll get you something, I get half off anything." Said the alpha."You get half off? Is it because you're the alpha here?" Amity asked as they went to the little shop. Luz confirmed her question with a small nod of her head.

The bell jingled above them as they walked in, getting the attention of the shop keeper. She was a short demon, and had ruby skin, literally. She was made out of rubies.

"Oh! Alpha Luz, welcome!" She greeted. Luz smiled at her, "hi Gemma." Amity watched them talk. Well, she was mainly looking at some of the shiny gems. "Amity- helloo? Amity?" Luz waved a hand in front of her face.

She jumped a bit but composed herself once she noticed it was just Luz. "Ah- s-sorry.." Amity apologized, expecting a punishment like how... her last pack...

Amity shook her head. "Its fine, just thought I lost ya." Luz chuckled. "Anyways, do you see something you want?" The alpha stood with her hands behind her back and wore a smile on her face."I- yes... yes I did." She smiled shyly. "Its- it's that one pice of amethyst." Luz looked at the glass showcase of amethyst. She smiled, walking over to the glass case.

The alpha tapped the glass above the largest one. "I'll take this one." Luz said, gesturing to the biggest one. That caught Amity off gaurd for a moment. "Luz- you don't have to get that one" She chuckled awkwardly."Its too expensive.." she mumbled. Luz shook her head and smiled. "I get half off remember? It's only 10.9k." Amity looked flabbergasted. "Only 10.9k?"

"Mhm!" Replied the brunette. "Not too expensive. Gemma?" Luz looked at the ruby demon. The demon nodded, grabbing a key and walked over to the case, opening it and taking the biggest amethyst out.

Gemma got a glass container for the amethyst to fit in. She wrapped it in wool and stuck it into the case. She handed it to Luz who thanked her, pulling out her wallet and card.

"Cmon Amity, let's go see what else we can find!" Luz said cheerfully. Amity's ears were pressed against her head.
How could she spend all that money like it was nothing? Amity slowly followed behind, her ears dropping a bit. Luz must of noticed since now she looked sad. Luz didn't like the sad face of the omega and she just wanted the omega to be happy. "Hey, are you ok?" Luz asked, worry in her voice. Amity nodded softly, a small smile forced on her face. The alpha stopped, looking somewhat counfused. She knew Amity wasn't ok and she wanted to know why.

That's no alpha, that's a godWhere stories live. Discover now