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Amity woke up to the smell of pancakes.

She was sprawled out on her bed, her ankle proped up on a pillow. She stirred slightly when she felt the sun beam into her room and onto her shut eyes. She let out a small annoyed sound as she was slowly awakened by the sun but her stomach growled when the pancake scent grew stronger. After the long, long bonfire last night, she slowly grew tried, as well as some of her new friends so Luz had carried them to their dorms. They had a lot of fun and amity learned a lot of things about her friends, viney likes to sing, willow likes to garden, and Luz plays baseball. The new people she had quickly grown fond of, were really fun to be around, they were sweet and nice and funny. It was amazing.

The omega reached to her nightstand which had the bottle of heat suppressants and cup of water Luz made sure to keep in her room. She popped the cap and pulled her pills out, putting them both in her mouth and taking a swig of water, the bitter taste was only temporary as now she felt a bit better and less sticky and needy. Amity yawned, stretching her arms above her head as the sun shined onto her back which warmed her. Since Amity didn't have any real pajamas she borrowed some from willow since they're basically the same size. There was a knock on the door that drew her attention. "Amity hon, I made pancakes!"


Amity smiled softy, willow is so sweet and friendly with her, she made the bonfire even more fun. "I'll be out in a bit." She called back to her, reaching for her crutches. On the other side of the door, willow smiled, walking back to the kitchen. Amity grabbed her crutches but not ignoring her fallen stuffed cow chocoberry. Amity grabbed her and snuggled her to her chest, inhaling the scent. Strawberry scent. She smiled, putting the cow on her bed and got up with her crutches. Amity walked out of her room that had the items her and Luz got the day before, filling it up a bit but it was still empty.

As she walked out of the room, the smell of pancakes got stronger, making her stomach growl again. Willow looked up from pouring syrup on her pancakes and smiled brightly. "Mornin'" she said, in an over sized t-shirt and comfy shorts, "what do you want on your pancakes? And how many do ya want?" The shorter omega asked her. "Um... 2 please." Amity said as she walked to the island and sat down. "And syrup... what else do you have?" She asked politely. Willow put two of the most fluffiest pancakes Amity had ever seen onto her plate. Granted, Amity had never really seen any... actually good breakfast growing up so she was being biased. "Well I've got all types of fruits. Like bananas, strawberries, blueberries, cherries, grapes... I've got a few different types of syrups." She listed, going to the fridge and pulling pit a few containers of fruits. Amity's stomach growled again, causing willow to laugh and her to blush in embarrassment. "I'll have strawberries please. And..." Amity saw a row of syrups in the fridge,the red cap  of one caught her attention.

"What's the red capped one?" She pointed at it as willow took out the strawberry container. "Strawberry. You want it?" Amity nodded. Willow giggled and grabbed it. "You really like strawberry huh?" She chuckled, grabbing a knife to cut the strawberries and handing the syrup to Amity who started to pour it on her pancakes. "I guess I do." She hummed as she finished the pouring of the sweet smelling syrup. Willow, who finished cutting up the strawberries, giggled, putting the red- pink berries onto her friend's pancakes. "Personally, I like blueberries." Willow sat down on the stool across from Amity and grabbed a fork and knife. "The sweet ones, of course." She hummed. The taller omega smiled, cutting into the fluffy pancakes and taking a bite.

"Tell me if you like it." Willow said as she too cut into her pancakes. As soon as the delicious, soft and sweet pancakes touched her taste buds, Amity nearly exploded. She saw fucking stars as she chewed through it. "This is amazing!" She smiled brightly as she ate, her scent exploding from her which caused willow's scent to burst from her too. The raven haired omega grinned brightly. "Really? I've been working on the perfect pancake for a while!" Amity laughed. "Well I think you have it." She smiled. Willow sighed dreamily and maybe a bit over dramatic, resting her head in her palm. "I love pancakes. Breakfast is amazing." She said with a dreamlike expression which made Amity giggle. "You're funny." The gold eyed girl sighed, cutting another pice of her flapjack.

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