
369 16 22

Tw- mentions of rape




Amity nearly fell out of bed from the noise. "Ah.. sorry dear, Luz told me to wake you up." It was Lilith. Amity rubbed her eyes with a loose fist, "Morning Lilith."

Lilith patted her lavender hair with a gentle smile. "Luz's youngest sister let you borrow some clothes, they're right there." The alpha nodded to the end of the bed.

"Thanks Lilith..." the omega smiled. Lilith scrunched up her nose a bit, "You might want to take your pills again." She said.

Amity's eyes widened as she realized she was still in heat. She nodded and Lilith smiled down at her and left. Once she left, Amity let out a breath and reached for the pill bottle that was on the nightstand.

She noticed that there was a cup of water there too.She took the pill and gulped down the water. The lavender haired girl reached for the clothes pile.

Amity sat on her knees as she examined the clothes. It was a white blouse with gray buttons. There was a pair of gray leggings and a black skirt.

The omega hummed, she could make this work. She carefully stepped out of bed, rembering her ankle is sprained. Slowly, she took off her shirt but the door opened as she was only halfway through.

"Hey Amity! Ya ready-" Luz was cut off by the sight of the near half naked omega. They stared at eachother as blush covered their faces.

Amity whined softly, almost as if she was inviting the alpha over to her. Realization crashed down on Luz as she shook her head, "Shit- sorrysorrysorrysorry..."

She covered her eyes as she walked out. Amity whimpered in disappointment, maybe it was she heat but her inner omega shunk to her knees and cried at the rejection.

The omega sighed before continuing to dress herself. She finished and a knock came from her door. "Come in." She answered.

A tall, owl demon that stood up straight with brown feathers, large yellow eyes and yellow feet in a black suit vest and red bow tie came in with a silver platter and one wing tucked behind his back came in.

"Amity. That your name, yes?" He said in a British accent. Amity nodded. "Master Luz wished for me to direct you to the nearest elevator." He hummed.

"Also," He pulled crutches from behind his back, "She wanted to give you these... and say sorry for her but I don't know why." Said the owl, counfused.

Amity giggled and blushed. The demon walked to her with the crutches. "Here you are madam." He bowed. The omega took the crutches and stood up a bit wobbly.

"Its been a little since ive been in crutches.." she said, memories of the most recent time her alpha father got mad at her.

The owl hummed, "Come along now, master Luz wishes you will meet the rest of her family."

The girl nodded and started to move, she quickly got a hang of it. They walked in silence as the demon lead her to the elevator. Why does she have an elevator in her house?

"Um.. What's your name?" She asked as they stepped into the elevator. He looked down to her. "Ferris." He answered. Amity smiled at him, "how long have you been here?"

Ferris looked up in thought. "About... about when mistress Lilith came around 3 years ago." He said.

Lilith has been here for 3 years? Amity hummed. A ding came from the sound box in the corner of the elevator. "Here we are." Ferris helped her out so that she wouldn't trip.

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