first day

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So, the test was surprisingly easy. Amity was given sheets of normal high school equations and questions, all of them being facile for the young omega. Luz stood over Lilith's shoulder as she graded them, due to her being a teacher at hexside, flashing goofy grins to her each time she got one right, that made her heart melt. For the magic part of the test, all she has to do was cast a few spells to get into advanced magic classes. Which she did, quite easily. The first spell she casted was an abomination spell, the creature of goo standing so high in the sky, everyone hide behind Luz, who looked terrified as well, for her protection. Which also made her growl seeing as others were touching Luz, but it was fine, she told herself. But it was still over all a very impressive spell, seeing how she was still using crutches and said crutches limited her movements. Her next spell was a fire spell, mainly used as protection for other alphas when needed so it wasn't that big in comparison of the colossal abomination she had earlier summoned. Lilith patted her shoulder, eyes soft as she said she was ready to go to school on Monday, which she was not, and said that she'd be making her schedule along side the principal of the school, principal bump. Luz tackled her, quite roughly, with a loud "woohoo!" Of excitement, still being mindful of her ankle, which was sweet. Willow and Gus came over to the two, excitedly chatting about the classes she had opportunities to take, which did seem interesting to her, sure. But the main thing she had attention on, was the fact that she was still in Luz's arms, sitting on top of her forearms. The flushed face of the omega's luckily didn't get the attention of Luz, who was smiling down at her shorter friends. Oh, she wished she could stay in the alpha's arms forever, she wanted to held so desperately by her. She wanted Luz to hold her in her strong arms, nuzzling the top of her head as she whispers how loved she was.

But, sadly, Luz put her down, grabbing her crutches and handing them to her. Amity used Luz's body to get balanced, and to the joy of her heart, Luz gently held her as she got resituated. She smiled at her, the alpha smiling back. "I'll go shop for your school supplies, I already know the list of the top of my head so i might as well." Luz explained, softly brushing her hand against Amity's who managed to not burst into flames. The omega huffed. "Why do you need to spend so much money on me?" She mumbled. "Well do you have money?" Luz shot back. Amity was quiet. "I have the fifty dollars you gave to me the first time we went shopping..." she said softly, cheeks puffed up. Luz smiled, amused. "Not enough. Besides, everything is half off for me! Remember?" The alpha chuckled, intwining her pinky finger with Amity's. The omega gulped, face flushed as her eyes were trained to their hands. "Right.." she said, never looking back up. Willow and Gus shot Luz an amused look. Luz shook her head at them. The alpha then smiled back at Amity, regretfully pulling her hand away from the omega's, drawing a small, disappointed whimper luz hand somehow managed to miss. "Why do you three go do something while I'm gone? Unless, Gus has another date with Matt." Luz said smugly. Gus's cheeks turned a dark red, glaring up at Luz. "Shut up! A least I have someone I date." He groaned. They all laughed. Gus blew raspberry, crossing his arms, "And no, no I don't have a date. We can go to the zoo or somethin'." The beta mumbled. Amity smiled gently, "That sounds like fun. Can we do that?" She looked up at her friends, Willow nodded with a grin, Gus losing the color in his face and nodded as well. Luz smiled at the three, clearly happy that they're being friends. "Alrighty, while you three go to the zoo, I shall be shopping." She paused. "All the fun." Luz joked.

Amity wished that Luz could come with, but if she wanted to go to school, she would need supplies. Willow giggled, grabbing Gus and Amity's arms, "ok~ have fun luz~" she teased before dragging the two with her, careful with Amity.


The trio had a real good time at the zoo. They had even went to the gift shop to buy something. Gus got a giraffe plush, willow got a hat, and Amity got an ocelot plush, she really like the ocelots. Amity had even bought something for Luz, an otter key chain, since she had brought her purse with the money Luz had gave her. Willow and Gus had teased her for it, sure, but she didn't care. She was going to give Luz the little souvenir, just as a tiny thanks for everything she had done for her. She's gonna need to come up with a better thanks for Luz. By the time her and Willow had got to their dorm, a knock came from the living room. Amity went ahead and got it, Luz being on the other side of it, holding bags of the school supplies. Luz's face lit up the moment she saw Amity. "Hey amity, I got all of the stuff you'll need." Luz said as she stepped into the living room, never taking her eyes off the beautiful omega she had been so incapacitated by. "Thank you, Luz..." Amity said gently, and before she forgets, "oh Luz, I got you something from the zoo." The witch said as she rushed over to the kitchen island as quick as her crutches allowed her to, and grabbed the key chain. "Really? You didn't have to." Luz said with a smile, heat rising to her cheeks. "Well you didn't have to go shopping for me and yet you did." She countered, going back over to the taller woman and holding out the trinket for Luz to take. Luz looked down at the small otter, carved from soft wood with little pebbles for eyes with a smile. She did have a soft spot for otters, and hand carved animals since it's what her mother's family was know for. The alpha took it, her calloused hand brushing against Amity's softer ones, making each of their hearts skip a beat. "Thank you Amity, I do love my otters." She chuckled, holding it up to examine how it was carved. Amity smiled, fidgeting with her fingers. "Of course, it's the least I could do..." the omega mumbled.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2023 ⏰

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