Chapter 3 - Sabito and Makomo

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A few weeks had passed ever since Y/N, Tanjiro and Nezuko had started living with Sakonji Urokodaki. Tanjiro had ben training day after day in order to get stronger. At the very moment, Y/N was walking next to Tanjiro and Urokodaki, entering the forest on the mountain as Urokodaki started speaking.

"The organisation of the demon slayers has a few hundred members and none of them is officialy acknowledged by the government. But.. ever since the demon slayer corps was founded, they have been restlessly hunting and killing demons. But one thing remains unknown. The identity of the corps' leader. Demons. Humans are their main source of food and they kill and eat them. No one knows when and where they first appeared and they can endure quite alot. Their wounds heal incredibly fast, seperated limbs grow back. Some posess special powers, for example being able to shapeshift. They can only be killed by the sunlight or by a specially made sword, by beheading them with it."

Y/N nodded in acknowledgement. Those demon slayer, they seemed to be good people. They where human where they not? And yet they where brave enough to face such strong opponents. She couldn't help but think back. Didn't she smash a demons head using her elemental powers? Maybe they worked similiarly to those katanas? Zoning out again, Y/N looked at Urokodaki. She had come to like him during their stay. She respected him. He had told her of his past as a pillar. Y/N greatly respected people who fought for the weak, making the adeptus sympathize with him.

"Urokodaki? I will be.. checking out the suroundings a little. I want to get to know this environment a bit more."

Receiving a nod from Urokodaki, Y/N walked away from the two of them, soon reaching the bottom of the mountain. As she walked through the nightly forest, she couldn't help but admire the moon glistening in the sky over her. It was a peacefull night. Quiet. A light breeze rustled through the treebranches around her.


A scream could be heard. The voice sounded like a man. Immediately, Y/N rushed towards the source of the scream as two figures entered her field of vision. A short male with a black uniform, holding a katana. He was the one screaming. And.. a tall, grotesque figure looming over him. A demon. The adeptus quickly reacted, disappearing in a flash of green light and successfully cutting off the demons head, which fell into the males lap, resulting in him screaming even louder. Y/N raised a brow. He was safe. Why was he still screaming? Suddenly, Y/N felt a third presence approaching them. This one felt similiar to the blue eyed man she had met once, his name was Giyuu Tomioka, she believed, but it felt slightly stronger. Alarmed, Y/N raised her polearm once again, the green jade shimmering in the dim moonlight as a shadow dashed at her. Their attack was quick, brutal and obviously directed toward her neck. Did the strange figure think she was a demon? Squinting her eyes, she took in the features of the man standing before her. He was tall, about 179cm if she had to guess it. His hair was a greyish white and fell messily into his face. His eyes shone a dark purple in the moonlight and his body was littered with scars. He wore a uniform, similiar to the one of the man behind her. His exsposed his chest and had white sleeves.

"Who the fuck are you? A demon?"

Y/N snapped out of her thoughts as she heard the man infront of her speak. Her face contorted into a very annoyed exspression as she listened to him talking.

"Answer me! Who do you think you are, you bitch?"

The golden-eyed adeptus brows furrowed. How rude. Did he not have proper manners? What a scumbag.

"That doesn't concern you mortal. I will take my leave now. My job here is done."

With those words, the adeptus disappeared once again, a dim green glow where she once stood, a silver katana slicing the air where her neck had just been. A curse left the attackers mouth. Sanemi did not know what the fuck he just saw? Was the woman a demon? Was teleportation her bloody art? She was able to block his strike. Was she a demon moon? Cursing under his breath, Sanemi looked at the cowering male on the floor.

"Well? What are you kneeling for? Scram already you lowlife."

Clicking his tongue in annoyance, Sanemi turned around. If he ever saw that demon woman again, he would have her head. He surely would. Back at Urokodaki's hut, Y/N opened the door, looking at the still sleeping Nezuko, worry crawling over her face as she knelt down to softly stroke the girls cheek. Y/N did not like to be vulnerable. In fact, she despised it, even. Yet, she could not help herself but worry about the two children she was with. During their time together, she had grown quite fond of the two. But sadly, that also meant her fear of loss would be there. Again. Y/N ALatus was afraid. Afraid to loose those, whom she cherished. Because it had already happened in her life. Y/N had lost once and she wouldn't loose again.

During the following weeks, Y/N patrolled around the area of Sasagiri mountain, saving a few travelling merchants and farmers. Luckily, she did not run into the eyebrowless, yelling Stranger again. A few times, Y/N joined Tanjiro in his training, either teaching him hand to hand combat or she joined him on his runs down the mountain. Nezuko was still asleep. A small sigh left Y/N's mouth as she followed Tanjiro for todays practice. It would be the first time he'd train using a katana and she could feel his nervousness. Alongside Urokodaki, the green-haired woman watched Tanjiro fall and stumble down the mountain at night and as the sun rose, she watched him complete his 1000 sword strikes. Soon, after another day of training, night washed over them. Tanjiro and Y/N where currently awake and sitting on the floor inside the hut. The maroon-haired boy was half asleep, beeing overly exhausted from the day as his eyes threatened to close from fatigue.

"Tanjiro. Go to sleep. I will watch over the two of you."

Tanjiro nodded, yet, as he laid down, he could not bring himself to fall asleep.


"Yes, Tanjiro?"

"I know it sounds silly but.. could you sing me a lullaby? My mother used to do that and i.."

Y/N smiled softly, nodding at the boy as she tried to recall a lullaby taught to her by one of the people she held dear. Her name was Guizhong. She was a deceased lover of Morax and had always been nothing but friendly to to her. Y/N missed Guizhong dearly, still, once she looked at the boy next to her, she softly started humming the tune.

Slowly, Tanjiro's eyes started to close, his breath becoming slower and calmer as he drifted into a dreamless sleep, holding Y/N's gloved hand in his own, Nezuko's Hand in his other.


A/N: Did i cry istening to this song? Yes. Absolutely. Yet another chapter finished! Feel free to give me some feedback! ^^ Writing the next part now.

Dearest Reagards,

The Author

Conqueress of Demons - KnY x fem! Xiao ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now