Chapter 5 - Choose your Steel

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A few days had passed since Tanjiro had killed the arm demon with Y/N's help. He had tried multiple times to ask the demons around about ways to turn a demon back human, still, the only thing they ever did was restlessly attack him. Y/N was currently behading a demon behind Tanjiro, her spear pointed at his throat, her foot pressing onto his chest.

"Answer, demon. How can you turn a demon back into a human?"

She wanted to help Tanjiro. Even tho she knew that it wouldn't work out if she asked the demons. The demon only screamed insults at her, making her cut his head off, sending it flying away. She looked at the maroon haired boy, shrugging. As the two of them continued on, she could smell a faint, flowery smell in the air. Tanjiro must have smelled it to, since he started to run a litlle faster. Y/N and her companion came to a stop as the familiar purple flowers came into sight.

"The Wisteria.. We've made it Y/N! We did it!"

Y/N patted the boys shoulder, walking towards a rock, sitting down.

"Come here, Tanjiro. You need to rest."

Tanjiro blinked in confusion as he looked at her. Her eyes where soft, her smile sincere. She looked proud. Content. And that, she was. Y/N was so proud of him for accomplishing what the other students had failed to do.
She patted her lap, closing her own eyes as Tanjiro lowered his head onto her thighs, closing his eyes. She caressed the boys hair, once again humming the lullaby she had sang for him during his training period. Tanjiro immediately relaxed upon hearing the soft tune, smiling to himself as the exhaustion washed over his body, leading him into a peaceful slumber. The next morning soon came, sun rising over the tall mountains. Y/N had already carried Tanjiro back to the area where they started, gently putting him down, patting his head.

"Tanjiro.. Hey.. Tanjiro. Wake up.."

The adeptus watched as the boy opened his eyes, yawning softly as he stretched out his arms. It kind of reminded her of the cats she always saw at wangshu inn, back in her original world. Chuckling softly, Y/N helped him up as he looked around.

"Huh? Are we the first ones here?"

Y/N shook her head.

"No. Over there, Jiro."

Tanjiro's cheeks heated up at the nickname, a happy smile on his face. He looked in the direction of Y/N's gaze, his own landing on three other people. Y/N's lips where pressed into a thin line. Only three people where standing there. The girl with the butterfly clip, the blonde guy she had saved and the boy with the scar.
Alot of people had died. At the start of the final selection, about 20 people where there. Now it was only the three in front of them, her and Tanjiro. Walking up to them, Y/N stood next to her little brother figure, watching as Tanjiro side eyed the blonde guy who was rambling on and on about the way he was going to die.
Y/N rolled her eyes, unamused by the whole thing. Really, if he was so scared, why would he want to become a demon slayer in the first place? Her golden eyes soon set on the two figures appearing before them. It was the girls that greeted them at the start of the event. Behind them was a table, covered with a purple cloth.

"Welcome Candidates. We want to congratulate you. We are happy you are well."

Y/N looked to her other side as another voice spoke up.

"Great. Can I get my sword now? Or what? Give it to me."

Y/N frowned at the boys rude behavior towards the children. Still, it wasn't her thing to judge.

"Please wait. First, you will receive your uniform."

Y/N raised a brow. Now that she had completed the final selection, wouldn't that make her a demon slayer too? Her golden eyes narrowed as she thought about the fact that she would have to wear something different from her usual outfit. She did not like that one bit.

"For that, we will take your measurements and the we will put your rank onto your uniform."

Rank? Y/N looked at Tanjiro who seemed equally confused.

"As you might know, there are ten ranks. Kinoe, Kinoto, Hinoe, Hinoto, Tsuchinoe, Tsuchinoto, Kanoe, Kanoto, Mizonoe, Mizonoto. Currently, all of you have the lowest rank, Mizonoto."

Y/N brushed a strand of hair out of her face, putting it behind her ear as she listened to the girls speak. How complicated..

"Okay. And what about my Katana?"

The boy with the scar again.

"About that, today you will choose the steel your blade will be forged from."

The adeptus raised a brow, looking at the table behind the girls. She much preferred her polearm. Maybe she could continue using that.

"Until your katana is finished, ten to fifteen days will pass."

The scared boy cursed.

"But before.."

The white haired girl clapped her hands. Soon, bird noises could be heard as crows descended from the sky, one landing one each of their shoulders. Y/N's crow was black with a few white feathers peeking through here and there. A small smile formed on the womans lips. How cute.

"Each of you will get a Kasugai crow so we can keep in contact. On your travels, they will help you communicate."

Y/N nodded as she gently patted the crows head.


Y/N looked at the scared boy, eho walked up to the white haired child, roughly grabbing her hair. Y/N lifted her arm, causing her crow to settle down on her shoulder instead. She watched as the scene unfolded before her.

"I want my damn katana! Is that so hard to understand? One that changes color!"

The adeptus watched as Tanjiro grabbed the boys arm.

"Hands off. Now. Or I will break your arm."

Y/N smiled slightly. That was the Tanjiro she knew. Always protecting others..

"Huh? The fuck do you want?"

Y/N was standing next to the shaking blonde boy, who was screaming again. She patted his shoulder, causing his eyes to go wide and making him quiet down. Her eyes followed every move of the scared boy. If he harmed Tanjiro, she wouldn't hold back on him.

"Oh? Try me, Fuckface."

Y/N frowned at the boys words. Her gaze shifted to Tanjiro, who still looked at the boy infront of him, slowly tightening his grip on the others arm, a cracking sound beeing heard as Tanjiro let go, protectively standing infront of the white haired child. Then, the other child spoke up.

"Are you done?"

She pulled the cloth of the table, revealing silvery shimmering steel.

"Then please choose your steel. With the blade made from this, you will be able to kill demons."

Y/N nodded as she walked behind Tanjiro, locking eyes with one of the children as she pointed at her polearm, shaking her head. The child nodded, whispering something to her sister who looked at Y/N, nodding as well. Letting out a sigh, Y/N watched as the others chose their steel. Tanjiro stepped forward first. And Y/N was sure he would make the right decision...

Meanwhile, somewhere in a beautiful mansion, surounded by forest and wisteria, sat a man. He was alone, except for the crow sitting at his feet. He gently patted the crows head.

"I see.. 6 survived this time.. Amazing. And one of them is supposed to kill demons without a katana? How extraordinary.. I wish to meet her soon."


A/N:   Writers Block who?? Hehe here we go with this chapter! Also, a new, unfamiliar person has entered the picture. Who could that be? 🤭

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