Chapter One - Mysterious Silhouette

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Author Note

Hi! Welcome! It's so nice to meet you

Welcome to the world of the Dreamer

It's a world filled with greatest thrills, action, ruthless hitmen, evil business moguls and cartels, heartbreaking climate events as well as thrilling space travels and much more. Action gets more intense as chapters advance.

Enjoy  and have fun reading.


Year 2017

Location: Lyra Constellation

A mysterious spaceship was whizzing through space at unimaginable speed. It was hurtling out of a star constellation known on Earth as Lyra and past star Vega.

Vega is a bluish-white and a class A0 main sequence star, about twice as massive as Earth's Sun and also almost twice and half times as big. It is located around 25 light years away from planet Earth.

On Earth, Vega appears brilliant white and humans sometimes refer it as the Harp Star. Humans recognize its constellation, Lyra, as a triangle of stars connected to a parallelogram. Vega also happens to be the brightest star, closest to the Zenith during summer nights after the sky gets dark.

The mystery spaceship had a shape similar to a cigar and was moving in a somewhat comet-like way despite lacking a cometary tail. Due to its shape and appearance, one would have easily mistaken it for an Asteroid if not a huge comet. It was more than a quarter mile and highly elongated. Perhaps ten times as long as it was wide.

Deformed and rough was its exterior which clearly mimicked that of a normal Asteroid. It lacked any visible propulsion systems and its composition was unclear. But whatever that was propelling the vessel that fast had to be very powerful and power efficient.

Inside this mystery space craft, in a small room, stood four humanoid figures. Afloat before them was a wide live holographic presentation of the Milk way Galaxy. But one shocking fact was that this holo display appeared as if it was a real screen hanging horizontally in the air.

The walls around this room had a mild pinkish glow, which in turn, enabled a vivid view of the contents on the holo display. There were no any visible furniture, machines or equipment inside the cubic room other than a single something that appeared like some kind of a cylindrical tube which also was glowing in white. This tube stood alone on the pinkish glowing floor and it was about one and half feet tall.

What appeared like a circular panel with various kinds of buttons and switches was perfectly embedded at the top of the cylindrical tube, leaving a small round portion at the center of the tube. Just like a projector, this small mid-section portion was fitted with some kind of multi-colored glowing orb. Perhaps it was the source of the holo display though it was also hard to tell.

The room was completely empty apart from the cylindrical tube, the floating display and the four figures. Since every corner of the room were all glowing in a light pinkish glow, they were also confusing in telling if the room had any access door or even the exact composition of its construction.

Two of the four figures were standing on one side of the display while the other two stood on the opposite side, all keenly observing whatever was being displayed on the holo. They were all wearing complete black coloured attire akin to space suits. On top they wore dark helmets with tinted visors while on their feet they wore dark boots. In fact, everything they wearing was darkly coloured.

"Sir, the flight course for planet terra has already been calibrated and we're about to exit Lyra constellation any time from now" one of the figures spoke out in a somewhat robotic tone, while raising its left arm towards the floating display. Its arm had a palm which was quite larger than that of humans and only four fingers. These fingers were also quite thicker and longer than those of humans as seen via the outlines of the dark coloured gloves. Sad fact was that these gloves and the rest of their attire perfectly restricted any more features about them to be observed.

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