No Answers

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"It is over young man...One single movement and i will sure blow your head off" driver guy shouted.

Muteti at once new the guy was damn serious from the tone of the command. Still breathing heavily, he asked;

"What do you people want from me?"

Muteti was now in a quantum speed processing and re-evaluating his best options. his survival percentage was way below average. whether he liked it or not, there was no other way he could dive from a live bullet from such a short distance. He had to make a choice... a critical one. Proceed and take the bullet or just accept the fate and comply.

"NOW, place your hands over your head slowly" The driver commanded again ignoring his question.

Having no other option, Muteti had to comply. He placed his hands over his head as ordered and started to rotate his body so that he was facing the driver guy. Seeing that he had finally complied, the driver turned his attention to the Bulkie

"Markus, fetch a rope from the car and tie his hands. We ain't taking any chances again."

So the bulkie had a name? now i will stick by it...

Markus, who Muteti had nicknamed Bulkie, struggled to stand and limped to the car. He came back with the rope and tightened it hard around Muteti's swelling arms. After finishing, he sneered angrily at Muteti and kicked his buttocks pushing him forward towards the building.

They continued pushing him through a maze of corridors, set of stairs and finally on the second floor.  Stopping at room which had the door already open. It was a Light-less room.

After entering, the driver searched the wall for a light switch for a few seconds before flicking the lights on. The room had single bulb situated at the center and floor covered with grayish tiles. Muteti noticed that the room had no windows which resembled a prison cell. The room was also empty apart from a single chair place below the bulb at the center and painted white all round. Opposite the door was a long wooden table along the wall and on it, various tools, gadgets and other equipments he couldn't tell their work. Under the table was placed an average sized briefcase.

Muteti was roughly pushed to the lonely table and forced to sit. They did not bother untying his already hurting hands as they added a roll of rope atop the previous from his torso way down his legs. He had no comfort and no chance of any movement.

"what to you guys need from me? what have i done to you to deserve this treatment? Muteti asked again. He was now smelling danger lingering in the air around the room.

He wasn't sure what really these guys wanted from him or what they were up to.

Are they gona cut my body into small pieces? but for what exactly? Kill me? No... i doubt that because why get into all that trouble of transporting me here when they could have just gotten rid of me first instance i entered there sedan? There must be something they want to milk out of me....mmm.... but what something could that be?

"Just stay calm and your answers will be presented to you shortly" the driver replied

After a short while, both men walked towards the table behind him. Few more minutes the driver came around in front of him. In his hands was a small kind of a file and a pen.

Am i in sort of an interrogation?

Driver finally spoke " Now boy, you so much wanted to know what we need from we are now. With complete answers. But before that, i will need your complete cooperation and obedience henceforth. Are we clear boy?"

Thank you for reading

Lots of LOVE

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20 ⏰

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