Chapter two - Abduction

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As the sedan cruised through the narrow rough road, Muteti was busy adjusting his sitting position well enough so that his bruised shoulder would stop throbbing with pain.

Thereafter, he glanced back to the small scary forest and shuddered , remembering whatever had happened to him there. Now, he felt so relieved and safe that the haunting forest was way far behind him. He turned his attention to the two men who were purely unknown to him.

"Hey thank you guys! I really don't know what would've happened to me back there if you didn't show up" Muteti happily commended the two bulky men.

None of the men reacted or said anything.

This puzzled him, even though he sensed no danger in that.

"I really owe you my life for saving me" He added.

Still, he received totally nothing.

No response, no movement.

Suddenly, he heard the sounds of the car's doors locking automatically.

A crooked weird feeling erupted in him. A red flag that was.

Who really are these God Sent Samaritans, and how did they know that i was being chased and in need of an urgent rescue?

NO! Something is wrong! you can feel it too? Think out of the box friend. He heard his inner self mumble with an irritating smirk. If only it had a face.

Shut up you smug!

He started analyzing status about his current predicament and his first option was assessing his unknown saviors tell-tale signs of who they could be and if they posed any danger to him.

Could they be secret service men? he thought internally

But for what or about what? Because as far as he could remember, he had never indulged in any crime or any other illegal activities. Again, twenty minutes had elapsed since he boarded this sedan and up to now, he hasn't received a single word or reaction from the two men.

Could i be missing something out?

Clear your mind and think straight! Not everyone who tenders there help are good or wish the best. Inner self scoffed at him

He decided to ignore inner self despite her words ringing a, banging the bell.

As Muteti silently observed the scenes before and around him, he realized that the two bulky men have been staring straight ahead, totally unbothered by his presence. It's like he didn't even exist at all.

That's very weird.

 Further observation revealed that both men were well built and muscled, resembling some of the body builders he knew. The one driving had a long Afro hair style, while the other had his plump head clean shaven. On further scrutiny, he was luckily able to identify a partially concealed tattoo of a scorpion perfectly and expertly marked on their thick necks.

 The one beside the driver had another tattoo of a crab on his right hand, just above his elbow. Due to the position of the one driving, he was not able to see whether he too had the same marking or not.

The car's interior was perfectly and cleanly maintained, with excellent decorations.

When he was done assessing the situation, Muteti came to conclusion that maybe he had earlier misjudged his helpers and that weird feeling and inner self were probably playing tricks on him. Or maybe it was out of panic. He never saw any faults from the men's build of which any one could flaunt the same.

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