Escape Attempt

216 70 37

Location: Sedan Car – Outside Nairobi

"where the hell are you taking me man? That's not the way to my home" Muteti nervously asked the two men holding him captive. He wondered what misery he had gotten himself as all he could remember was that moments ago, he was having fun moments at a friend's party. He was not a fun of alcohol but his friends had pressured him into drinking a few rounds. And being his first time to taste alcohol he had decided to go home before he got tipsier and embarrass himself in front of his friends.

"shhhh.... You know what? If I were you, I wouldn't be wasting my precious last moments asking silly questions but I would be cherishing every second repenting and silently whispering final prayers" the most talkative man said with a mischievous expression planted on his wide face as he steered the blue sedan through a narrow road.

"you must be insane man what......" suddenly realization of what the man had said hit him. He couldn't finish his sentence and weirdly forgot shutting his now suspended open mouth.

"Hey shut your mouth or are you timing a mosquito?" The same man shouted with a burning smirk. Muteti quickly snapped his vocal cavity shut with a cranking sound.


They were now parked in front of a well furbished two storey building. He was forcefully pulled out of the sedan and dragged towards the mansion. As they neared the entrance, he decided to try his luck though he knew it was unwise and stupid. He waited right opportunity to present itself. He knew he had limited time of successfully escaping before he got bundled up inside the building.

Who knows what awaits me inside there?

Both men walked on his sides. One to his left, and the other to his right. He was lucky they hadn't bothered tying his arms. He was planning how best to use them.

And the moment he was waiting finally arrived.

With a rapid speed, Muteti rotated on his feet and expertly lifted his right knee upward directly between bulkie's legs hitting the intended spot with brutal force that left the man groaning in pain before later falling down on his knees. Before the driver could realize what was happening, Muteti swung his leg acrobatically sweeping him off ground. Falling flat to the ground.

Bulkie having recovered from the blow, was balancing himself upright, Muteti swiftly swung and head-butted him full force on his face. Came off the back foot with a thrust up the legs and whipped it into his nose. It was beautifully done.

Bulkie toppled over his back groaning and holding his nose and landed flat on the ground with a thud. He lost bearings. Just lay there on the ground gasping for air and writhing mechanically unlike the snake. His nose was bleeding terribly.

Then Muteti without wasting time, flew towards the driver, arms outstretched ready to plant a powerful fist into his neck. But the driver was ready and prepared for that maneuver. He side-stepped and in return, landed a left fist at the center of Muteti's chest. Muteti stumbled a few steps backward reeling from the hit. Swinging like a feeble tree.

Shockingly, Bulkie recovered quickly again. Both men glared at Muteti full of disgust. Bulkie couldn't fathom that a mere weakling had nearly incapacitated him. He lunged forward towards Muteti and slammed a brutal fist into his jaw, followed by another on his chest. Knocking wind out of him.

It felt like being hit by a bulldozer moving at a faster than light speed. Muteti came off his feet, falling to the ground on his back. Like a log of a tree.

He was sure he could taste a surge of coppery blood. His sternum seemed to crack and he thought his heart would quit anytime from the shock.

He knew he had no chance at all. Not with these huge demons. Their sheer size was so intimidating.

No! I can make it ... I have to try just for another just and maybe luck could run my way

You will never gonna make it buddy...let it go now. Inner self advised.

To hell with that

Muteti then rolled over pushing with his hands and leveled his body upright. Jumped back and sideways dodging a straight drive that could have nearly killed him. His chest was still hurting badly. He knew he wasn't a good fighter when it came to mountainous guys like these.

But he had the will to try despite inner self warning him.

The men made a mistake of relaxing thinking they had totally maimed him. He found a tiny opportunity in that.

He had to act fast. And the time was running out.

He quickly scooped up a full palm of soil on both hands and expertly splashed it unto their eyes. Blinding them instantly. Without wasting time, he swung his right arm and bulged his elbow full force on Bulkie's face. Bulkie's nose cracked. Dizziness and blackness blanketed him as he went down on his knees.

Muteti there and then decided to completely finish him by kneeing him hard on his head. But before he could act, he heard a click sound from his back. Right away Muteti recognized the source of the sound hence pausing his planned attack.

He had clearly forgotten if the driver guy existed.

Shit! He cursed


Thank you for reading

Lots of love

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