A New World (Rework!)

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Ordinary is nonexistent in a world of hero's.

John: "huh..."

The boy open his eyes.

So no one and even law enforcement bothered to look up in the sky and see a hellspawn falling from the stratosphere.

John: "SHIT"

The hellspawn struggles to slow down by spreading his cape but due to the hole on his cape and the adrenaline clouding his mind he can't use his supernatural abilities to save him.


The boy hits the back of his head hard at the edge of a building leaving a green thick ooze and an unconscious body on a dark alleyway, laying on the garbage bags as if taking a nap.


A purple haired boy with sky blue eyes as well with a tall pale person with long black hair, both watched in the distance seeing... a circle in the sky? But vanishing in an instant.

???: "Hm?"

???: "Saw that too huh?"

???: "yeah"

???: "It's time for your first lesson."


Slowly waking up trying, to remember what happened. Taking off the mask and held it to his hand looking at it for a while. For a while the boy hears some yelling...

Thug #1: "Purse, jewelry, money."

Thug #2: "Just cooperate and we won't do anything."

Thug #3: "Or we might."

The second thug groans in annoyance as the timidly woman trembles as he held her purse.


The second thugs legs were wrapped in chains and dragged towards the darkness.



Dripping echoed throughout the alley was as a hand with spikes on the knuckles, covered in a red substance. All of the 'normal' humans just saw a pair of glowing green eyes and a scarlet shroud

John: "No wonder father has spikes."

Glaring at the thugs as a spiked club appears on his hand. While in the other hand wipes the blood off on his suit.

John: "Ma'm. Ima have to ask you to leave."

Threatening but politely asked the hellspawn as the woman scram out of the alleyway.

John: "Now for the assholes."

Slowly... studying...

Scraping on the concrete floor.

Trembling... shaking...

It's a weekend... a Sunday! Why would a hero be here? In a shitty alleyway? Is he that desperate for money?

Shifting his weight to retreat to not see a jail cell! To not be in a place of villains!

One of them breaks for it. Freedom! No community service! No more paying taxes-

Falling to the ground... lifeless...

Thug #3: "Ah!-"

Not even a yelp... not even a noise just to be put down like a dog... the piece of the club breaks... just the spike of the cubical club.

Falling on his bottom and cowardly crawling back against the wall... breathing rapidly as the thug perspires in his eyes and drips at the end of his cheek.

Thug #1: "W-who are you?"

John... crepts up as he puts the tip of the club on the chin of the thug... and raising it to his eye level.

John: "I am the merc who fell from the heavens."

Instantly the swing tore off the matter of his head as the thugs brain matter were scattered on the walls.


With a new pair of jeans, shirt and jacket as well for a new beanie as the organic suit blended in with his dark toned skin.

John: "I think I'm in aisa?"

John said as he broke the ID and used his necroplasm to disintegrate the pieces left of the thugs ID.

John: Weird thing is that i understand what the people are saying. As if I had a translator in my head?

John looks up at the sign of the building as the Japanese characters forms and molds to the word.


John: uhhh...

John shrugged had no other choice to have information as he trusted on the words of the building as he enters in.

Johns eyes met with the spiral staircase and an empty desk which the symbols forms for John to understand.

John: Nope nope not dealing with this shit.


Rubbing Johns eyes as he looks at the pages of the text book.

John: So people with quirks are basically meta humans? Fuck I hate studying history. Gives me a migraine. And I'm out of aspirin!

John: due to the context it's genetic? I guess? Like the x men, except the first mutant is a glowing baby. Geez I'll be disappointed if that's me. I wonder if that kid got bullied for it?

John groans as he rubbed my eyes as the inked lettering were straining his eyes as if it was burned into his eyes.

John: "Luckily I ain't going to school for this shit."

Standing up and leaving the thick open book on the desk as John practically rushed out the house of books and out the street.

Walking on the pavement as he watches people on different shapes, sizes and colors from animals to a tree like person.

John: "Man this world is weird."

John said to himself as a voice spoke out next to him.

???: "Tell me about it."

John nods before glancing next to him as he looks foward. But realizing John looks back at the person as he steps back.

John: "Gah!"

Startled as he saw a tall, pale man with a purple haired kid. Startled as he gets chills all over his body followed up with small bumps on the neck down from behind.

???: "Calm down I'm not here to hurt you or whatever."

He spoke in a bored, monotone voice.

Aizawa: "My names is shota aizawa and the kid next to me is shinsou."

Though johns expression was... confused so was his thoughts.

Aizawa: "There's no reason to be tense. I'm just gonna ask you some questions."

John: "I'm not in trouble?"

Aizawa shook his head.

Aizawa: "No. I just need to know if you fell from the sky."

John search in his mind for... the right answer.

John: "All I remember is falling from the sky's and landing on the alley way of bodies and blood..."

Aizawa: Blood? Bodies? He's too young to go to jail... but even if he didn't do it, could it be his quirk taking control over him?

Aizawa keeping his neutral expression as his apprentice was shocked, eyes widened and pupils dilated.

Aizawa: "It's best if we talked somewhere private."

John nods though his body and mind was tensed aizawa was relaxed.

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