Interview (Rework!)

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John walks in the room as aizawa takes a seat. John looks around seeing the pro hero's of this universe seeing a woman in what looks like a bdsm costume, a man in red, a blonde person with sunglasses, what looks like a cowboy with a weird mask, aizawa and a rat? A dog? A polar bear.

John: Are these...

John immediately looks at the animal

John: "Uhh..."

???: "Is there something wrong?"

The animal says happily to John.

John: Is he high?

John: "Y-yeah... w-what are you? A rat? Or mouse."

Nezu: "I honestly don't know but who I am is principal nezu of UA."

John: "So that's why there's a giant UA sign on the gate."

Nezu nods as aizawa spoke up.

Aizawa: "It's best if we introduced ourselves to our foreigner guest. You already been introduced to me."

Suddenly a loud voice rings in johns ears which his body shift up and a few centimeters off the ground.

Yamada: "My names is hizashi yamada but you can call me president mic!!"

John: These names, similar to the anime Aj used to watch... am I in japans soil?

John: "Uhh... I think I'll stick to yamada."

Midnight: "I am midnight young man."

John tilted his head.

John: "So... you can change day time to night?"

Yamada snickered as an anger mark appeared on the head of midnight.

Midnight: "So you're a smart ass?"

Midnight said irritated through her teeth.

John: "J-just a genuine question ma'm."

Midnight: "Ma'm??"

A few anger marks appeared, which nezu reacted quickly with a questionin

Nezu: "How old are you mister...?"

John: "John, john Simmons; im 15 years old. And... my quirk..."

Aizawa: "No need to tell them that."

Interrupted quickly in a reassuring tone as aizawa looks at him.

John: "R-right."

Kan: "Im sekijiro kan but you can call me vlad king."

Kan says pointing at himself with his thumb.

John: "Vlad king? Your a vampire?"

Sekijiro: "What no!? What makes you say that?!"

John: "Your fangs and vlad is like a vampire name?"

John said as looks at the cowboy with a weird mask.

John: Holy shit it's a cowboy. Don't geek out man.

John: "And you partner?"

John says in a western accent as the cowboy chuckles a bit.

John: I failed.

Snipe: "Just call me snipe."

Snipe said as he salutes at John with two fingers of his first fingers.

Nezu: "Mister Simmons aizawa told me your situation. And I propose an offer."

John lets out a confused grunt as he looks at nezu.

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