The day after the exams. (Cannon mixed filler.) (Small reedit.)

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John: "Alright I will..."

John sighed as he hangs up the phone with todoroki. It's been the day since the exams... all but him could go to the camp.

With noise suppressed headphones he roams the city; the reason for his failure is passing out from from president mics test.

John thinks before adjusting his headphones as the dried blood were on his earlobes.

John: Asshole mic could've screamed less loud?

John continues to roam as the plastic bag of fresh vegetables and fruits as well for some snacks.

John: In the meantime I should help with midoriya's mom while he's away... best I can do to repay them for their kindness.

John looks around the bright lights of the Japanese city; then he rubs his side and winces due to some of his blood vibrating from the aftermath of the screeching sounds in the exams.

Walking into an alleyway John sets aside the groceries as he gets near a dumpster pukes out his necroplasmic vomit on the ground.

Wiping Johns mouth as it was laced with coughs.

John: My brains fried; my memory is so foggy... I've been using my necroplasm to amplify my healing factor, granny's quirk didn't do much work so I had to do it my way.

John: I've been using that damn magic increase my intelligence during my time here! If I keep this up then I'll be brain dead before I know it.

Coughing John vomits more Necroplasm as he near the dumpster.

John: I need to lay low... lay off the hero and spawn stuff and focus on my humanity... or what's left of it... I can't go insane... I can't.

Wiping the trace of Necroplasm of his lips John turns around as he gets kicked far from the exit of the dark alley; as John coughs up blood and holding his gut he looks up.

Mugger: "Alright you UA brat! You better run your pockets before you- Gah!"

The mugger trips and broke his nose as he faceplants on the pavement.

John: "You really are a dumbass."

With the hellspawns bandaged arm he was holding the ankle of the mugger through a portal on the ground.

John: "You're ass is lucky we're not in rat city."

John stood up causing the mugger to sink into the ground. While grunting.

Thug: "What's rat city"

John was taken aback and confused.

John: "Huh?"

John: "N-never mind that- listen if you try to the same shit like this ever again I'll cut your ankle off."

John said impatiently and bluntly. Scared shitless the mugger tries to get up.

Mugger: "Ok! Ok! I got it! Don't cut off my leg."

He plead as John let's go of his ankle as his rat tail ran away quick.

Grabbing the plastic bag as he coughs John exits the alleyway and on his way to midoriya's place.

John: I'm late...


Back at midoriyas apartment John enters through the door with tired eyes. Taking off and leaving the shoes on the side.

John: "Midoriya? Midoriya's mom? I'm back with the groceries you asked."

John sets the bags on the kitchen table.

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