First day

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I set my alarm for early and got up after the first ring. I wanted to look my best and get to the clinic early, earlier than Samantha and definitely earlier then Marcus.

I showered, styled my hair, and picked out some black dress pants, a black suit jacket and a satin grey shirt. I chose to wear low heels, but knew that even those would be painful by the end of the day. I decided to pack a pair of sensible shoes just in case I couldn't make it.

Marcus sent me a message, late last night, regarding my first meeting being held in the morning. I was surprised to see his name pop up on my phone but less surprised about the content. I wrote and erased about ten messages before I settled on letting him know I wanted to get in to look at the place on my own before meeting them. He told me it wouldn't be a problem and that he would inform night security me to let me in.

Doing a once over,  I grabbed a bagel and left the house to catch my cab. When I got there I saw the night guard waiting for me.

"You Ana?" He asked and I nodded."can I see your ID" I grabbed my walled and provided him with my drivers licence. Satisfied, he let me through the doors and I stepped into my new beginnings.

Terry wasn't kidding when he said it was a small hospital. I felt myself glancing at my surroundings with actual excitement.

The waiting room was large and bright, with a receptionist desk settled in the middle back of the room and plenty of seating placed strategically to optimize space while promoting distance.

Walking through the doors, behind the desk, I saw a long hallway, that looped around, with hospital rooms, on Both sides, segregated by glass walls. Each of the rooms had long drapes for privacy and were equipped with everything a hospital room would require. 

I moved around to familiarized myself with the layout. There was a large office, which I assumed was mine, a staff station and a lounge with generous accommodations.  There was also a staff room designed for sleep and a small kitchen space and dining area.

Once I was done with my tour I flagged the night security guard to properly introduced myself. He gave me quick smile, and after a few pleasantries were exchanged,  he informed me that the "other two" were already waiting for me. Confused as I wasn't expecting anyone to meet me until 830, I made my way to the second floor and found what appeared to be the board room. When I opened the door I saw Samantha practically sitting on Marcus's lap showing him something on her phone. They both seemed to be at ease with each other and laughing at whatever they were looking at.

I cleared my throat and startled the happy looking pair. I could see Samantha's face turn red as she moved away from Marcus.  Quickly regaining her composure, she walked towards me with a big smile and outstretched arm.

"Hi Ana, so great to meet you. I heard so much about you" I took her hand and shook it while trying to keep my anger under control.

"Sorry for interrupting you two, I wasn't expecting anyone else to be here yet" I moved my glance towards Marcus. I wasn't happy and I didn't care if he knew it.

"Nonsense, you didn't interrupt anything. I was just.." before she could finish, Marcus spoke over her.

"What do you think? Do you like it?" He arched his eyebrows and waited on me to reply.

I glanced between the two and decided to answer him. "It's impressive. More than what I expected from a clinic. When do you want to open it?"

"We have to catch you up to speed, and once you're comfortable, we will proceed" he sat down which made Samantha follow. Clearly we were starting the meeting.

"Is anyone else coming?" I was genuinely curious.

"Yes, a few investors, other doctors involved in the project" Samantha answered while flashing me another smile.  Ugh, what's with this girl.

I nodded my head and pulled out my phone. I was done talking and became amused when the room remained silent. I snuck a peek at them both and saw that, they too, were busy on their phones. I shrugged off my overwhelming feelings of being rude and waited for the others to arrive.

When everyone showed we went on with a very very long meeting.  It was clear that i had a lot to catch up on and would actually need to rely on Samantha a lot. She was smart and knowledgeable which made me dislike her even more.

After wrapping up, I said my goodbyes to everyone and headed down to my office. Taking off my shoes, I leaned back in my chair and tried to comprehend what I had gotten myself into. I felt so out of depth and hoped that I would be able to catch up quickly. I didn't want to look stupid or Incapable of doing this and felt like I had a lot to prove to everyone who wanted to see me fail.

I closed my eyes and slowed down my breathing.

I felt like I was going to have a panic attack and needed to calm myself.  After a few minutes, I felt the wave pass and started to feel better. I sighed a breath of relief when I was startled with a soft knock on my door. 

I opened my eyes and saw Marcus standing in my office and looking at me with worry.

"You ok?" He walked in uninvited and sat down.

"Mostly" I gave him a half smile, "just a lot to take in, but I'll be fine"

"That's not what I meant" he continued to look at me, his eyes softening as he did.

"Then what did you mean?" My voice came out harsher than I expected it to, but what did he want from me?

Marcus took in a long breath and let it out slowly. I wasn't usually this difficult but I was still holding on to a lot of anger.

"Look, I'm worried about you and just want to know how you're doing, it's not a crazy question to ask someone who's been through what you went through."

"So now you care? I spend two weeks in the hospital and I didn't even get one phone call from you? I guess you were too busy" with Samantha, I wanted to add.

Marcus let out a small chuckle and I could see a flash of pain in his eyes. It was gone as quick as it came.

"I didn't want to cause you more stress. I didn't know if you wanted to see me or talk to me and after you threw cole out of your room and banned him from entering the hospital, I wasn't sure what my fate would be if I tried" he tried to make a joke. I wasn't laughing, "the doctors and your mother kept me updated"

"Oh thank god that they did. Makes me feel so much better about you" I rolled my eyes and threw my hands up in unison.

"Ana, you were leaving. You didn't want me, I just didn't..." I put my hand up to stop him.

"I almost died Marcus. A phone call would have been appreciated". I felt myself getting emotional and swung my chair to face away from him. 

"I should get back to the office. I'll see you soon Ana" He didn't move. When I didn't turn my chair back around he sighed and got up. I could feel him hesitate before he left.

As the door shut, I counted to ten before I let myself cry.

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