Slow and steady

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I got to the clinic early as I wanted to see Ana before I made my way to the office. I had a feeling that she would still be in a good mood after learning about her mothers love prospect. I made myself comfortable in her office as I waited for an update from the driver. He had clear instructions to inform me daily of her coming and goings.

It may be a bit on the stalker side, but I wasn't taking any chances with her safety. She was targeted by someone, and that someone was still out there.

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket and I fished it out. Glancing at the message from the driver I was informed that she had just arrived.

Two minutes later she stepped into her office.

"Jesus Christ Marcus" she screamed as she dropped a box of stuff. "What are you doing in here"

Shit, maybe I overestimated her good mood.

"I came to get more gossip" I flashed her a grin and continued "your mom say anything else?"

I could see the tension leave her body as she picked up the box and walked over to me.

"Firstly, get out of my chair, and Secondly, no, she stayed in her room all night and was still sleeping when I got up." I could see the excitement return and she plopped the box back down on her desk. She slowly started removing the items and placing them around the room.  "I want to know everything. How many dates have they been on? How much does she like him and him like her? Have they kissed....ok maybe not that, but you get my point"

She finished grabbing the last item, a picture of her and her mom on her graduation day, and placed it on the corner of her desk.

"Well then you'll be happy to hear that terry will be coming by sometime today to get a few more signatures. You can hound him for the answers then, and if doesn't budge, refuse to sign until he gives up information. I happen to know he's on a very strict timeline"

She giggled and my heart skipped.

"Good idea Marcus,'s great" she stated at me mischievously and I couldn't help but to laugh myself. Terry had no idea what he was walking into.

"Ok, keep me posted. I want to know everything you pried out of him"  I finally got out of her chair and spun it out for her to sit in.

"No meetings today?" She asked as pushed herself back towards her desk and started up her computer.

"Nope, not today. Today you get to meet your potential staff. Samantha scheduled a handful of them for the morning. Get a feel and see if they fit" I smiled and slowly backed out of her office. I didn't want to overstay my welcome and also saw her nose scrunch when I mentioned Samantha. She did it unconsciously when she didn't  like something or someone. It's quick and you'd miss it if you didn't catch it the first time.  I wasn't concerned, I knew they'd be fine in the end. They were too much alike to not find somethings in common.

"This was a good start.  Slow and steady." I whispered to myself as i got into my car.

She didn't get a chance to get mad at me, and we didn't bicker.  I also didn't know how long I could control myself from touching her. Every bone in my body wanted to grab her,  kiss her, and spread her legs for me while I tasted her. I knew we were a long ways away from that but I couldn't help but to think about it. That night, I must have blown my load in her a half dozen times. As I had her bent over, I could feel her juices on my hand as I gently stroked her. The face she made as she came got me hard again, each time.  I suddenly felt the bulge in my pants grow and decided to button up my jacked.

As I made my way back to my office, I decided I would be dropping by, a lot, and hoped she would warm back up to me. I needed to make our interactions short but positive so she could feel comfortable again enough to let her guard down.

I was also hoping to fast track that, a bit, as I had something important to ask her.

Writers comment
*sorry everyone. I don't usually comment but wanted to apologize for my absence. Honestly, I got writers block and wasn't happy with how I was writing. I was a wee bit hard on myself and hated my style, the context, etc.

I gave it a bit of a break and went back to reread what I had today. And honestly, it's not bad. I liked it! 

So I'm back :)

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