Episode 1: Hikky's Midnight Hassle School

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(A/N: The title is a reference to both the title of Midnight Horror School and the episode of The Owl House called "Hooty's Moving Hassle", which references "Howl's Moving Castle", in which the title also references. Even though it's technically more of a combination of an Midnight Horror School and The Owl House/Howl's Moving Castle reference.)

It was a wonderful new day in the multiverse. The hoot-doodles were doodling, the Lalaloopsies were happily making merry, the Ed boys were scamming away their neighbors for just enough quarters to get themselves some jawbreakers, just normal cartoon characters going about their cartoonish days in their naturally cartoonish fashion in the multiverse. Cut to a shot of the midnight sky with the moon going at a crescent phase, and then the scene pans down to what seems to be some sort of stage for a contest near a school that is decorated with various giant bones. Cut to a girl with a microphone for a head named "Noisy" stepping up onto a podium.

"みなさん、この学年の不思議なクイズの時が来ました! どのクラスが全体的な勝利を収めますか?(Alright everyone, it's time for this school year's Wonder Quiz! Which class will have the overall victory?)" Announced Noisy.

"代表者を発表する時が来ました!黄色のトカゲのクラスの場合、Hikky! (It's time to announce the representatives! For Yellow Lizard Class, Hikky!)"

Cut to a set of orange curtains framed with bones on the contest stage as Noisy mentions Hikky. The scene pauses on the curtains for a while, confusing both the audience and Noisy herself. Cut back to Noisy who looks at the curtains with a frown.

"Ahem. 私が言っていたように、Hikky! (Ahem. As I was saying, Hikky!)" Repeated Noisy.

But still, the aforementioned Hikky still hadn't passed through the two orange curtains framed with bones on the contest stage. Cut to the audience as they chatter about Hikky's strange disappearance.

"どこですか Hikky? (Where's Hikky?)" Muttered a piano girl named Liddy in the audience.

"誰もが推測しています, daimon。(It's anyone's guess, daimon.)" Shrugged a monkey-like student with speakers for ears named Spimon.

Cut to the back of the stage whereas we see a sleeping bipedal mouse boy in a black top hat with a pink ribbon and a yellow sign with a skull on it where we would have seen a pencil-headed person instead. In the background, a purple teapot-headed person in a black top hat with a blue ribbon and a blue sign with a skull on it was also sleeping on the set of curtains next to the bipedal mouse boy and next to him, a wind-up robot in a black top hat with a yellow ribbon and a yellow sign with a skull on it was also sleeping on the floor, snoring and all. They all seem so mysteriously fitting in the story and yet, the three at the same time don't feel like they have belonged in the show.

"Hikky? Hikky、 ステージに来る必要があります!(Hikky? Hikky, you need to get up on the stage)!" Shouted Noisy.


At the sound of Noisy's impatient shouting, the bipedal mouse, who may as well be the one Noisy called "Hikky", woke up in surprise with his eyes fluttering and his pink tail curled up onto his body.

"W-what?" Said Hikky.

As he looked around, Hikky saw that he was in a strange land that didn't seem to be too familiar with him. Why was the grass purple, and were the paths always checkered with yellow and orange squares? Suddenly, the curtains began to slide open and then Hikky fell right on his back, yelping in the end which had woken up the two others upon the back of the stage right next to him.

"Piggies?" Yelped the wind-up robot.

"ハイ, Hikky! (Yeah, Hikky!)" Cheered the group of students from the Yellow Lizard Class as they saw Hikky finally get onto the stage.

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