Episode 3: Perspectives of Two

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Meanwhile, in the Electroids' house past Teslo and Zaptor's room, a power plug-shaped Electroid was shaking in their sleep. They had two pastel indigo prongs attached to their head as if they were rabbit ears, their entire exoskeleton was yellow, their head was connected to their body by an orange collar that beared the resemblance of a turtleneck collar with two short, orange sleeves on each side of said collar being their shoulders, gray legs being a bridge of some sort from their body to their orange feet that had one yellow toe on each foot, a jagged mouth that would turn into a semicircle when opened, and big, round eyes with pupils that were not the same. Their left pupil was a black, hollow circle while their right pupil was also a black, hollow circle but the circle housed a smaller, black, full circle within itself. The Electroid tossed and turned in their bright yellow bed, letting out a whimper each time they shuffled around in bed. In their dream, Enton was walking around the halls of Midnight Horror School, and all was normal, but something felt off. No one paid attention to him and even when they did, sometimes they'd mainly regard him as a "strange chimney man".

"Hey, Chimney Guy! Who the heck are you?" Yumyum questioned Enton.

"'Chimney Guy'? Yumyum、 あなたはあなたが私の名前を知っていることに気づきますよね、 mogu?('Chimney Guy? Yumyum, you do realize you know my name, right, mogu?)" Asked Enton.

But then as soon as he questioned Yumyum's strange behavior, he heard screaming, coming from Piranin, Hikky, and Onpoo who were running away from him.

"待って、どこに行くの、 mogu?(Wait, where are you going, mogu?)" Enton tried to ask the three.

But as the three ran, they seemed to go faster with each step, causing Enton to fall from behind. Literally. He slammed himself into an invisible wall and fell on his seat. As he looked at the invisible wall once again, a blonde ragdoll with tan skin, a white and red striped dress riddled with blue splatters here and there, and yellow and white shoes with red laces appeared, albeit in a mirror. Her name was Spot Splatter Splash.

"W-what are you?" Spot asked Enton.

Before Enton could even explain, shouts of someone attempting to crush the two came from both sides of the mirror as they each saw their own peers run up to them with pitchforks and torches, causing the two to screech in horror.

Suddenly, with a gasp, an Electroid woke up, shooting up from the sheets.

"AAH!" They closed their eyes and put their pincers to their head as they yelp in their childish, feminine voice.

"What a nightmare."

As the Electroid held their pincers to their head, they felt as if there was something amiss, they looked at their pincers and then they lifted up the blanket to see gray legs holding onto orange feet with a yellow toe on each.

"That's odd. I never looked like this before. Am I having a dream inside of a dream?" The Electroid said to themself.

As they looked around, they found themselves in a strange room. It was white with a few pieces of yellow or lilac furniture here and there, some yellow rugs were laid out on the floor, and the door was bright yellow and was laid right in front of the plug-like Electroid.

"Huh..?" Said the Electroid.

"W-what the? Where'd everyone go, mogu?" Worried the Electroid, this time with a deeper and more masculine voice.

The Electroid then immediately put their hands to their mouth after saying that sentence, somehow in a deeper voice.

"..Who said that?" Asked the Electroid, slowly letting go of their mouth and returning to their more childlike, feminine voice.

Cubits Can't Save You Now: A Hard Reset (A Canceled Collab With Artopossom)Where stories live. Discover now