I will protect my siblings!

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Hashirama and Hanarei slowly walked home in dread because they knew that their father was gonna scold them.
I mean of course he was!
They had been wondering off to the stream of water for a few weeks now in hopes to see their new friend, and sometimes they did!

Hashirama and Hanarei made it to the Senju compound eventually and opened the door to be met with their father.

"Father! Hello we just got ba-

"My room now you two!"

Oh no they were in deep trouble! Hashirama thought. Their father is usually not this mad at him or his siblings.

Last time Hashirama tried to stand up for his siblings or himself was when Itama had passed, and it ended in Hashirama getting slapped in the face and Tobirama having to stand up for him. It was horrible.

"Father you called us here?" Hashirama slowly entered the room with Hanarei and Tobirama following.

"Yes, I want to talk about the boy you've been meeting up with at the stream of water.
That boy is from the uchiha compound and goes by the name Uchiha Madara, he is the leaders oldest son currently and might be friends with you to spy on us."

"This could potentially have you getting kicked out of the Senju clan for putting us in such a difficult situation. Next time you two see that boy I want you to kill him. Do you understand!"

"But father what if he isn't from the Uchiha clan? Maybe your wrong! He's so nice to us and we are such good friends, it would be hard for us to believe he's a Uchiha!" Hanarei quickly hid behind her twin knowing what she just said would probably get her in deep trouble.

"ENOUGH! Get out of my room now and do as you are told! Don't underestimate your father, not another word shall be said! Next time you meet up with him, me and Tobirama will come with you two and we will fight for our clan! Thats that now leave my room and stop it with the nonsense!"

"Yes sir we're very sorry!" All the siblings said leaving the room.

"Hanarei before you do anything with your brothers, I want to have a little chat with you in private." Her father stated.

"look father I'm really sorry I didn't mean that, if you want us to kill the Uchiha we will do it." Hanarei stated as she looked down at her feet.

A few weeks had passed by and Hashirama met Madara by the river.

"Hey I can't stay long" Hashirama stated as he pulled his rock out of his yukata.

"Same I can't stay long either" Madara took a rock out of his yukata as well.

They skipped their rocks across the stream of water, Madara caught Hashirama's rock and Hashirama caught Madara's rock.

Thats when Hashirama noticed Madara's rock said 'Scram!' And Madara noticed Hashirama's rock said 'Run!'

"Hey I gotta go! Talk to you later!" Madara waved as he turned around.

"Yeah same! See ya later!" Hashirama was about to run off but it was too late.

His father, little brother, and sister jumped out of the forest and into the river where he saw, who he believed was, Madara's father and little brother Izuna.

This really isn't good! My siblings are in danger! Hashirama and Madara thought as they threw their rocks to block the swords that the parents threw at each others siblings.

I will protect you Hanarei and Tobirama, no matter what! Hashirama thought as he stood in font of his siblings and parent to face Madara.

I Will Protect You || {Madara x oc}Where stories live. Discover now