Something special

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There I stood dazed, what just happened? I thought to myself as I gently shut my window and put my hair up in a high pony as I climbed into my futon. My room lightly dark as the only thing creating light was the small lamp in the corner of my room. There I laid, staring at my ceiling as I wondered why Madara wanted to see me. I tossed and turned and eventually gave up on rest before getting up and going to the kitchen to get a glass of warm milk. I hated warm milk for some reason, but I was desperate for sleep so I agonizingly sipped it as I sat at our chubudai ( small Japanese dining table) and waited for it to kick in.

The milk didn't help at all and I still felt wide awake and now nauseous from the taste, so I went to my little home office I had and started paperwork there. It was too boring and got distracted and decided to try to fall back asleep. Still nothing, still no sleep.....

Morning came painfully slow, little did I know I was out cold by five am in the morning and when Hashirama went to wake me he thought I was dead. Yeah he panicked telling Tobirama and he checked my pulse like any normal human being would and told him I was just really tired. I ended up sleeping until noon....wait NOON! I noticed the time and I quickly shot out of my futon and locked my door as I threw on my nicest kimono, a jade greed with orange, red, blue, and purple flower petals.
The flowers starting all the way from the bottom of my kimono and every so lightly making its way up to the main part, It looked like satin as it was very pretty and shiny.

I then delicately braided my hair, letting loose strands of hair fall to the front of my face as I started putting a very pretty ,clear blue, glass flower hair clip in my hair. My father told me it was from my mother, as it reflected her beautiful white hair quite nicely before she passed during the birth process.

After braiding my hair I made my way down stairs where Hashirama and Tobirama stole a few glances in wonder why I looked so nice. I ate some homemade dango I had chilled in our freezer the other day and headed out the door before my brothers could ask any questions.

There I walked down the dirt path of the village, making my way to the stream we used to go to as kids. As I walked I wondered many things, did Madara want to break up? Did he get put in an arranged marriage?! Oh god what if he did!!!

I started walking a little faster and eventually saw Madara sitting and leaning against the tree, immediately getting up when he saw me.

"Hey love~" I said shyly as I saw his cheeks turn a bright pink.

"Y-you look beautiful my love" Madara barely said as he seemed very flustered by my beauty.

We talked and enjoyed each others company, holding hands, kissing, enjoying the view, kissing more. We had a tone of fun and I missed spending time with Madara, we hadn't been able to see each other for a while since I became hokage so this was very much needed. We where walking by the river and Madara stopped in his tracks, looking very nervous.

"Love is everything ok?" I asked softly.

He took a deep breath before facing me, kneeling on one knee.

"Hanarei Senju, the day we first met here you quickly grabbed my interest. The way you smiled, the way you laughed, even the way you talked. Even after many years of not seeing each other I thought about you every single day, I want us to be together forever Hanarei. I love you so much, I think about you all the time, I can't keep my mind of you and your beauty. Will you Hanarei Senju make me the happiest man in the world and marry me?" Madara smiled as he held out this little red box with fake gold edging, and a gold ribbon. Inside the box had this beautiful homemade gold ring. It had this beautiful engraving of leaves and flowers on the band, and this very pretty diamond on top with littler diamond studs running down the middle of the band.

There I stood shocked and happy as tears ran down my face of pure joy, covering my mouth with my two hands in pure shock.

"YES! YES I"LL MARRY YOU!" I shouted as I jumped into his arms and he twirled me around, kissing me lovingly and passionately.

"I love you!" He shouted as he had this biggest smile spread across his face.

"I love you more~" I said in a playful tone as I kissed him so lovingly again.

He placed me down gently and slid the ring on my ring finger. "Fits perfectly" I said softly kissing him on the cheek.

"Oh thank God, I was scared I made it too small". He nervously chuckled before holding my hand and walking towards the village.

"Wanna go to your place and celebrate?" I said with this devious look on my face. My heart beating fast as I hoped I wasn't too straight forward.

Madara blushed like a mad man before looking me straight dead in the eyes. "And what makes you think I'll turn that down, my fiancé?~" he smirked before kissing me a bit roughly.

With that we both scurried back to the Uchiha compound. Did we get weird looks for how fast we ran to Madara's room? Yes. Did we care? No..... It had been weeks since the last time so this would be interesting.

(After some time.)

"Hey brother I'm home" I said coming through the Senju compounds door.

"What the hell is that?!" Tobriama noticed my ring immediately as it was shiny.

"Oh this thing......yeah I'm engaged to Madara Uchiha" I said proudly showing my ring off to my brothers.

"EeeeeekkKKKK! I'm so happy for you sister!!!" Hashirama hugged me tightly.

Tobirama's face went really white, whiter that it already was, as he never knew I was even dating Madara in the first place, he looked like he was gonna pass out. "W-what....." he then turned around and went to his room where I heard angry and panicked noises from him.

"Oh shut it Tobirama! We all know you are happy for me, there's no point hiding it!" I shouted, and with that the panic and angry noises went anyway and there was utter silence before he came down stairs. "Congratulations on your engagement sister....." he said deadpanned before he then walked outside.

Me and Hashirama looked dazed at each other before we burst out laughing at our derpy younger brother. "What a turd, tho I will always protect you guys" I said softly.

"Me too Hanarei, me to" He sighed happily before looking at the sunset outside the window as he put his hands on his waist.

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